AWS AI & ML Scholarship Program Overview

This scholarship program aims to help people who are underserved and that were underrepresented during high school and college - to then help them learn the foundations and concepts of Machine Learning and build a careers in AI and ML.

AWS AI & ML Scholarship Program Overview
Source: Screenshot of landing page


It can be hard to take the right steps in starting a career in artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. You typically believe that you will have to go to university to study Computer Science, Statistics or Math. 

College can be expensive, courses online can be expensive, self-study can be difficult. As the demand for people in this field increases, companies are making it easier for people to transition into the sector at a smoother rate. 


What is the Program?


AWS has partnered with Intel and Udacity to bring new students into the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) Scholarship program. This scholarship program aims to help people who are underserved and that were underrepresented during high school and college - to then help them learn the foundations and concepts of machine learning and build a careers in AI and ML.  


What does the Program Offer?


When opting into the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) Scholarship program, students can earn up to two of 2500 scholarships available in order to help them kick start their career in AI and ML. 

This is what the program offers:


Learn machine learning with AWS DeepRacer Student


For this scholarship program, you will be using the AWS DeepRacer Student which is an all-new free service for students who want to learn and practice their ML skills which they will then further go onto competing in autonomous AI/ML racing league - where they will have a chance to win prizes and scholarships.

Students have access to 20 hour of ML educational resources and an additional 10 hours of monthly model training compute resources to help them build their ML skills. 

You will be able to put your skills to the test through monthly competitions and win prizes such as scholarships, devices, and have gained experience in becoming one of the top racers in global competitions


Get there faster with scholarships


It’s always better getting closer to your career goal through scholarships. There's less financial burden on you, which automatically improves your motivation and drive. 

Every year, 2000 students will receive scholarships for the Udacity AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program, which is valued at $4,000 USD. It is a 4 month virtual course where you will be taught the fundamentals of machine learning, programming tools and more. You will also be provided with support from Udacity teachers in weekly group sessions. 

If you are part of the top 500 performing students in the first Udacity Nanodegree program, you will have the opportunity to be able to earn a second and more advanced Udacity Nanodegree. This is a six-month course that goes deeper into other areas such as deep learning, ML engineering concepts and more. 


Mentorship from AWS and Intel ML experts


All 2000 students that have been enrolled on the scholarship program will receive mentoring and career guidance. There are monthly “Ask Me Anything” seminars with top industry experts that allow students to be open and free to basically ask anything.

You can ask more about career development, networking, how it is in the tech workforce, diversity and more. 

If you are part of the top 500 performing students in the first program and get moved onto the second Nanodegree program, you will receive a full year of one-to-one mentorship from an AWS or Intel employee which will personally guide you to help you get to the best place possible in your tech career. 


How do I Become a Part of the Program?


If you are interested in what AWS provides in the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) Scholarship program, you can opt into the program on AWS DeepRacer Student.

In order to qualify for the AWS AI & ML Scholarship program, students will have to complete learning modules and quizzes on AWS DeepRacer Student. They will also have to be over the age of 16 and enrolled in high school and higher education institutions around the globe. 




If you’re hesitant on starting a career in tech, but are not fully ready to financially commit to going back to university, starting a bootcamp or paying for courses online - I believe this scholarship program is for you. 

The program provides you with a fun and free way to learn about machine learning, whilst being part of a community and being able to participate in competitions where you can earn prizes to further develop your career

Nisha Arya is a Data Scientist and Freelance Technical Writer. She is particularly interested in providing Data Science career advice or tutorials and theory based knowledge around Data Science. She also wishes to explore the different ways Artificial Intelligence is/can benefit the longevity of human life. A keen learner, seeking to broaden her tech knowledge and writing skills, whilst helping guide others.

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