Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects

Learn about the cutting-edge DagsHub's Direct Data Access for simple and faster data loading and model training.

Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects
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Have you ever wondered why you have to wait for DVC to pull all the files to access a single file? Maybe you have created custom scripts to work around this problem. But what if I tell you there is a better solution for this issue?

Direct Data Access makes it fairly easy for you to load single or multiple files from the DagsHub DVC server. You can also upload a single file or multiple files using Upload API. It will help you save time, as you won’t be pulling the entire dataset to push a single file.

Direct Data Access works better with all kinds of Python libraries. Especially those that use high levels of functionalities. In the case of a training machine learning model, you can pull the data directly into DataLoader and start training or fine-tuning the model. 

In this tutorial, we will look deep into DagsHub's Direct Data Access and train simple Yoga pose classification models using FastAI-2 and Direct Data Access.  


Getting Started with Direct Data Access


Direct Data Access comes with DagsHub client API. Instead of using `dvc pull` to download all the data, you can access the files on demand from DagsHub servers. 

The streamed files are indistinguishable from the local files saved on your disk. You can provide a local file path, and it will fetch files from DagsHub. 

Install the DagsHub API using GitHub URL and pip command. 

!pip install git+


!pip install dagshub

Note: currently, the Direct Data Access is in beta version with minor issues.


Manual Method


The manual method lets you stream files using DagsHubFilesystem. 

You just have to replace:

Python API DagsHub File System
os.stat() fs.stat()
os.listdir() fs.listdir()
os.scandir() fs.scandir()


If you are in a Git repository, you don’t have to provide configuration parameters.

To override automatically detected configuration, use:

  • repo_url
  • username
  • Password

If you are outside the Git repository, you can also point to the project directory using the `project_root` argument. 

In the example, we have created a DagsHubFilesystem and displayed a list of files and folders using listdir(). 

from dagshub.streaming import DagsHubFilesystem
fs = DagsHubFilesystem()

It is showing “Mobilenet-Weights” and “Saved_Models” folders that are not available in the local directory but on the DVC server. In short, you have access to all the files that you can see in the DagsHub repository without performing the `dvc pull` command. 


Automatic Method


The `install_hooks` allows Python libraries (*some exceptions apply) to access DVC tracked files as if they are on your system. It is simple and fast. 

In the example below, we have invoked `install_hooks()` and used PIL.Image to display the image of a woman in a down dog yoga pose. 

from PIL import Image
from dagshub.streaming import install_hooks
install_hooks()"./Data/Yoga Pose/Downdog/00000011.jpg")

Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects


I know, it is magic. It will also amaze you with faster loading time.


Note: While using the DagsHubFilesystem or install_hooks command you will be asked to generate a temporary OAuth key for additive security. 


Yoga Pose Classification Using Direct Data Access


In this tutorial, we will fine-tune the Resnet34 model on the Yoga pose dataset using Direct Data Access. The dataset consists of 5 classes of Yoga pose images and the images were extracted using Bing API.    


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects
Image by Author


Setting Up


You can fork and clone my repository and run the command below on a Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook. The command requires a branch name, repo name, username, and access token. You can simply replace the placeholders with your configurations. 


Note: make sure you are inside the repository to activate Streaming. 



If you are facing problems with getting started, check out the Colab notebook.

Next, we will import Pytorch, FastAI, os, and Matplotlib. The project is based on the FastAI framework. Read the documentation to learn more.      

import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import *
from fastai.metrics import error_rate, accuracy
import os

Data Loader


After invoking install_hooks(), we can automatically access the files using: `ImageDataloaders`. 

It took 6.54 seconds to load and download the 18.1 MB dataset. It is fast compared to 73.84 seconds with `dvc pull` + ImageDataLoaders. 

from dagshub.streaming import install_hooks
path = Path('./Data/Yoga Pose')
data = ImageDataLoaders.from_folder(path, valid_pct=0.2, item_tfms=Resize(224))

CPU times: user 1.68 s, sys: 914 ms, total: 2.59 s
Wall time: 6.54 s



Our dataset is pretty simple and consists of various Yoga poses with labels. We will be using it to train our model. The Resnet34 does not require large data, even a few hundred images can provide state-of-the-art results. 


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects


Model Fine-Tuning 


Before we start fine-tuning, we need to set up MLflow for experiment tracking. DagsHub provides a free MLflow server. You just need to set the tracking URI, and we are good to go. You can find URI by clicking on the green button(Remote) on the repo page and accessing it through the MLflow tab.

The `get_experiment_id` function generates and returns experiment id. 

import mlflow

def get_experiment_id(name):
    exp = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(name)
    if exp is None:
      exp_id = mlflow.create_experiment(name)
      return exp_id
    return exp.experiment_id

exp_id = get_experiment_id("yoga_colab")

After that, activate tracking using mlflow.fastai.autolog(). It will log the experiment and send it to the MLflow server on DagsHub. 

Finally, we will build our learner with resnet34 and set metrics to accuracy and error_rate. 

learn = vision_learner(data, resnet34, metrics=[accuracy, error_rate])
with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=exp_id) as run:

After fine-tuning for 3 epochs, we got state-of-the-art results with 95.9% accuracy and 0.04 loss.  

epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy error_rate time
0 0.368970 0.154318 0.954315 0.045685 00:05
1 0.220782 0.127155 0.964467 0.035533 00:05
2 0.145330 0.116135 0.959391 0.040609 00:05


CPU times: user 12.4 s, sys: 4.55 s, total: 16.9 s
Wall time: 1min 14s

Note: If you are using Colab to train a model, you need to set tag to link commit with experiment results using: `mlflow.set_tag('mlflow.source.git.commit', "<commit-id>")`


Save the model and use it for Inference and reproducibility. 

os.mkdir("/content/Yoga-Pose-Classification/Saved_Models/")"/content/Yoga-Pose-Classification/Saved_Models/my_model", with_opt=False)

Simple Prediction


Let’s get a random image from a training set to predict the label.  As you can see, we get the Downdog label with 99.99% certainty. 

files = get_image_files("/content/Yoga-Pose-Classification/Data/Yoga Pose/Downdog")
>>> ('Downdog',
 TensorBase([9.9999e-01, 8.2240e-07, 9.9132e-06, 5.6985e-07, 9.2867e-07]))



The model evaluation shows that the model has accurately predicted all of the images. 


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects




You can review past experiments and results using the DagsHub experiment tab. I was first training with Keras MobilenetV3 and various other models. In the end, I chose FastAI and Resnet34 for simplicity and better results.  


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects
Image from kingabzpro/Yoga-Pose-Classification


DagsHub Data Upload API


The streaming goes both ways. You can also upload single or multiple files using the DagsHub Upload API.  

To test our model on unseen data, let's download the Yoga Pose images from Google. We will be uploading the images and by using Streaming, we will be accessing them for prediction.  


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects
Image form Google search


We will use upload.Repo to create a repo object. It will help us directly upload files using a username, access token, repository name, and branch.


Note: For uploading, you don’t even need to clone any git repository. 


from dagshub.upload import Repo

repo = Repo(

Uploading Multiple Files


To Upload multiple files, we need to provide a folder directory. If the folder name does not exist, it will create one for you. 

In the next step, we are using a loop to add 2 new yoga pose image files and committing it with message and versioning. 

By using the versioning, you can upload the files that are tracked by Git or DVC.

ds ="Sample")

file_list = ["/content/yoga1.jpeg", "/content/yoga2.jpeg"]
for file1 in file_list:
ds.commit("multiple files upload", versioning="dvc")

The files are successfully uploaded. Hurray!!!

It is awesome. 

I was so happy when I uploaded the files for the first time without cloning the Git repository and pulling dvc data. 


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects


Uploading Single File


You can also upload a file using a single line, by providing a local file and repository file path. With this you can upload files in any folder.

In our case, we are uploading the third file to the Sample folder using message and dvc versioning.  

    commit_message="yoga single file upload",

The third image is successfully uploaded to the DagsHub repository. 


Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects


Model Prediction


Now, we will use the uploaded images to predict the Yoga Pose. 

from PIL import Image
import IPython.display as display

img_loc = "./Sample/yoga3.jpeg"
img =

The model has accurately predicted the Warrior2 pose with 99.9% certainty. 

Simple and Fast Data Streaming for Machine Learning Projects

CPU times: user 56.7 ms, sys: 2.14 ms, total: 58.8 ms
Wall time: 62.2 ms
 TensorBase([3.8390e-05, 5.2042e-04, 7.9451e-05, 5.5486e-06, 9.9936e-01]))

Note: to access recently uploaded files, you have to run `install_hooks()` again.




Even though DagsHub's Direct Data Access is in the Beta stage, it shows promising results. With streaming, we have loaded the image files 11X faster than `dvc pull`. There are still minor bugs that you will always see in the Beta version, but overall, I was impressed by the DagsHub team, who came up with an amazing solution. 

Streaming(s) No-streaming(s)
Dataloader 6.54 73.84
Training 74 72
Total 80.54 145.84


In the end, I will ask everyone to give Direct Data Access a try and ask questions in the Discord support channel, if you are facing issues.


Abid Ali Awan (@1abidaliawan) is a certified data scientist professional who loves building machine learning models. Currently, he is focusing on content creation and writing technical blogs on machine learning and data science technologies. Abid holds a Master's degree in Technology Management and a bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Engineering. His vision is to build an AI product using a graph neural network for students struggling with mental illness.

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