
as seen on cohost!

30-something poly kinky queer mess
recovering former game dev
dating: @estrogen-and-spite
18+ alt: @dark-side-of-the-moon

(Seems to behave weirdly on multi-monitor mixed-refresh-rate setups. Also, if you have Reduced Motion enabled, you'll need to turn it off for the animation to work)

To read it, look for the lowest number which isn’t turning and which appears in dark text (ie isn’t flickering on alternate frames).

Original version, supports 30/48/50/60/90/120/144hz:

Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers.

Even more ridiculous harder-to-read version, supports all of the above plus 75hz:

Warning: flickering imagery, open at your discretion. A zoetrope-like disc covered with numbers carefully arranged in patterns. As it spins, the viewer's refresh rate remains visually stable amidst a flurry of other dancing numbers.

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in reply to @lunasorcery's post:

I see this right up until (and I verified with developer options) the screen drops back to 60 after there haven't been any touches for a second. Both 60 and 120 stay locked though, for some reason.

yeah, I similarly love the word jank, but do not like the fact that it is being applied as a term for something specific instead of just a vague word that means "kinda shitty"

@estrogen-and-spite can attest that I laughed out loud

and yeah it was a cohost-hosted (cohosted?) image, but then I wanted to change stuff, and I didn't want to add the new image while it was out there in the wild (since it'd make the post look weird), and I didn't want to do the "put the image on a draft and never delete the draft" trick because I didn't want to clutter the drafts, which is really just a long-winded way of saying "sorry about that"

Wonderful! Simple and so effective. 😁

To clarify for people confused by seeing both 60Hz and 120Hz – your refresh rate is the lowest number that is not moving (quickly) or flickering. If your rate were 120Hz then the 60Hz would double up and flicker.

This doesn't animate in Firefox on my desktop or Chrome on my phone. I did have the Samsung equivalent of "reduce motion" turned on on my phone, but disabling it had no effect. Looking at the inspector in Firefox, it references an animation called "spin" but that animation doesn't seem to exist. I'm not sure what's going wrong.

It must only render at the resolution of the primary monitor. That's at 100hz for me, so no locked circles. But if I only have my PC output to my secondary monitor, the 75hz one sticks, which tracks.

on my (admittedly Very Bad and old) HP LP2275w, 1680x1050 59,954Hz (officially 60), the only numbers that don't look like they're turning are 60 and 144, with 144 not moving and 60 appearing to move back and forth