40+ Free Python Resources that can Help you Become a Pro

Aayush Tyagi 04 May, 2024 • 7 min read


Python reigns as the top programming language, offering a career boost with its versatility. From web apps to data analysis and machine learning, Python handles it all. How? Thanks to its vast open-source community, Python boasts a library for every task imaginable, with wrappers for popular packages from other languages. Its extensive libraries cater to specialized artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and network programming needs. With Python, possibilities seem endless!

While mastering Python opens doors to specialized fields, it can be daunting for beginners. Learning syntax, functions, and libraries takes effort, along with building projects through courses and resources.

But fear not! This article will provide free Python resources, from courses to cheat sheets, helping you quickly kickstart your Python journey and become an expert.

Python Resources

Free Python Learning Resources

There are fantastic resources available to learn Python completely free! Here are some of the best ways to get started:

Free Python Online Courses

Online free courses on Python are a great way to get started with this in-demand programming language. Here are some of the best platforms to find free Python courses:

Explore Free Courses & EBooks from Analytics Vidhya here.

Python Books

Books are a favorite for those who like to soak up knowledge at their own pace. Check out these popular ones by industry experts:

Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes.

Python Resources

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python” by Al Sweigart.

Python Resources

Learn Python the Hard Way” by Zed Shaw

Python Resources

Python for Data Analysis” by Wes McKinney

Python Resources

Python Cookbook” by David Beazley and Brian K. Jones

Python Resources

Python for Everybody” by Dr. Charles Severance

Python Resources

Also read: 15 Best Python Books For You

Interactive Python Tutorials

Learning by doing is a powerful way to grasp programming concepts. Here are some free resources that provide interactive Python tutorials to get your hands dirty with code:

Also read: A Complete Python Tutorial to Learn Data Science from Scratch

These tutorials cater to different learning styles and preferences. Explore them to find the one that suits you best. Happy coding!

Python GitHub Repositories

Level Up Your Python Skills with Free GitHub Repositories. GitHub offers a treasure trove of free resources to propel your Python journey. This section explores some amazing repositories that cater to all levels, from enthusiastic beginners to seasoned coders.

  • 30 Days Of Python: Dive into a month-long coding challenge that introduces Python fundamentals like variables, data types, and control flow in a structured way.
  • Learn-python: This comprehensive resource takes a hands-on approach, emphasizing learning Python through practical exercises and a “learn by hacking” philosophy.
  • Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python: Enhance your understanding with this extensive guide, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like web development and machine learning.
  • Python programming exercises: Sharpen your skills with this collection of interactive, auto-graded exercises.
  • 100-Days-Of-ML-Code: If you’re fascinated by machine learning, this repository offers 100 days of code examples to get you started.

Also read: TOP 10 GitHub Repositories for Data Science

YouTube Channels

Here are some fantastic YouTube channels where you can learn Python for free:

  • FreeCodeCamp offers a comprehensive Python playlist that walks you through the basics, perfect for getting your feet wet.
  • Analytics Vidhya offers beginner-friendly tutorials on core Python concepts, data manipulation with pandas, and data visualization with libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn. It also delved into advanced topics like Generative AI and Machine Learning.
  • Real Python consistently delivers high-quality content, with tutorials and explanations aimed at a slightly more experienced audience.
  • Clever Programmer combines Python skill development with real-world project creation. This channel is perfect for learning by doing and building a portfolio to showcase your abilities.
  • CS Dojo is a great resource for those interested in object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Python.

Also read: Top 15 AI YouTubers to Follow in 2024

Python Blogs

This article highlights some fantastic Python blogs that offer valuable content without breaking the bank:

  • Planet Python: Considered the ultimate Python blog aggregator, Planet Python curates a vast collection of articles from various credible sources. With a constant stream of fresh content covering diverse Python topics, it’s a one-stop shop for staying updated and exploring new areas.
  • Real Python: This comprehensive blog delivers in-depth tutorials, project ideas, and insightful explanations of various Python concepts.
  • Analytics Vidhya: A powerhouse for data science enthusiasts, Analytics Vidhya offers a dedicated Python section. Explore tutorials, interview prep resources, and practical applications of Python in the data science domain.
  • Talk Python: Spice up your learning with Talk Python, a unique blog presented entirely in audio format!  Listen to podcasts featuring expert interviews, coding discussions, and deep dives into Pythonic techniques while you commute, exercise, or unwind.

Cheat Sheets

Python cheatsheets are fantastic companions for learners of all levels. They provide a quick reference for syntax, functions, and common operations, helping you stay on track and code more efficiently. Here are some free resources to find excellent Python cheatsheets:

  • Official Documentation: The Python documentation itself serves as a great cheat sheet. Search for specific topics or browse the reference guide for built-in functions, data structures, and control flow statements.
  • DataCamp Cheatsheets: Try the Python Cheatsheet from DataCamp, which allows you to explore functionalities and test code snippets directly within the browser.
  • Reddit Resources: Websites like Reddit’s r/learnpython subreddit often share free, downloadable cheat sheets created by other learners.
  • Codecademy Cheatsheets: Codecademy offers a variety of Python cheatsheets categorized by topic. Explore their cheatsheets on Data Structures, Machine Learning, and core Python functionalities.

Online Python Compiler

Online Python compilers, or online interpreters, are a fantastic way to experiment with Python code without installing anything on your machine. This makes them ideal for beginners or seasoned programmers who want to test short code snippets.

Here are some popular online Python compilers to check out:

  • Online Python: A user-friendly option with syntax highlighting, customizable themes, and support for popular data science libraries like NumPy and Pandas.
  • Replit: A versatile online IDE that supports multiple programming languages, including Python. Offers features like cloud storage and collaboration tools.
  • JDoodle: Another well-established online compiler with support for various languages. Simple interface and is easy to use for quick Python code execution.
  • Google Colab: Offered by Google, Colab provides free access to powerful computing resources in the cloud. Ideal for data science and machine learning projects that require more processing power.

You’ll eventually want to set up a local Python development environment for more complex projects. However, online compilers are valuable for starting with Python or trying out small code snippets.

Also read: 12 Platforms to Run Python Code Online

Tips for Effective Learning

Other than free resources to learn python, here are some tips for effectively learning Python:

Establish a Goal: Knowing what you want to achieve with Python will guide your learning path. Are you interested in data analysis, web development, or automation? This will help you focus on relevant material. 

Grasp the Fundamentals: A solid understanding of core concepts like variables, data types, operators, and control flow is essential. This lays the groundwork for tackling more complex topics.

Code Every Day: Consistency is key. Even short daily coding sessions help solidify concepts and improve your familiarity with the language.

Work on Projects: Learning by doing is highly effective. Find projects that interest you,  whether a simple script or a data analysis application. This will motivate you and apply your knowledge to real-world problems.

Join the Python Community: Surround yourself with other Python learners. Look for online forums, communities, or local meetups for discussions, collaboration, and shared learning experiences.

Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions when you get stuck. Many online resources and communities are dedicated to helping Python learners.

Explain it to Others: Teaching Python concepts to someone else can solidify your understanding and reveal areas where you need more practice.


In summary, the plethora of free resources available for learning Python underscores its accessibility and user-friendliness. Whether you’re a novice or have some prior knowledge, these resources serve as invaluable aids. From comprehensive online courses to handy cheat sheets, the options are plentiful. By setting clear goals, dedicating time to practice, and engaging with the vibrant Python community, mastering the language becomes achievable. Don’t delay; embark on your Python learning journey today!

For the latest articles on Python, explore this link: Latest articles in Python.

Aayush Tyagi 04 May 2024

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