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Artificial intelligence is not just a tool for making our lives easier; it can also be a visionary when it comes to predicting future trends. According to the AI model developed by OpenAI, the majority of the world is projected to be vegan by 2075. This transformation is expected to be driven by environmentally conscious Gen Z and Millennials who are increasingly embracing plant-based diets.

Source: Lifting Vegan Logic/YouTube

According to ChatGPT, the journey towards a vegan world begins in 2024 when Gen Z and Millennials start raising awareness about the environmental impact of animal agriculture. These generations are known for their heightened concern for sustainability and animal welfare, making them instrumental in driving this movement forward.

By 2027, the term ‘flexitarian’ is expected to become more commonplace as people around the world adopt a more plant-based diet. Flexitarians are individuals who primarily consume plant-based foods but occasionally incorporate animal products into their diets. This shift is indicative of a growing interest in reducing meat consumption.

Major food technology companies are projected to release a wider range of plant-based meat alternatives by 2028. Social media platforms will play a crucial role in spreading the word about these alternatives, making them more accessible and appealing to a broader audience. One of the significant barriers to adopting a vegan diet has been the cost of plant-based meat and dairy alternatives. However, AI predicts that a breakthrough in food technology will lead to more affordable and convincing options by 2032. As a result, the cost difference between plant-based and traditional animal products is expected to narrow.

ChatGPT says that in 2037, governments in North America and Europe are anticipated to implement subsidies for plant-based agriculture. This policy shift will further incentivize the production and consumption of plant-based foods, making them more accessible to the general population.

The first ‘Climate Action and Veganism Day’ is predicted to be celebrated in 2048, endorsed by celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Natalie Portman. This day will emphasize the environmental benefits of a vegan lifestyle and encourage more people to make the switch.

It is not until 2057 that veganism is expected to be widely accepted and normalized in many parts of the world. At this point, the idea of a vegan lifestyle will be embraced by a more extensive and diverse demographic. ‘Global Vegan Week’ is forecasted to become an international event in 2064. This week-long celebration of veganism will further raise awareness and encourage more people to consider plant-based diets.

In 2073, the AI predicts that the world will be almost entirely vegan, with animal farming becoming obsolete just two years later. This milestone represents the culmination of efforts spanning decades, driven by increased awareness of the environmental and ethical consequences of animal agriculture.

While the timeline presented here is speculative and may vary by region and culture, it offers an intriguing vision of a world where veganism becomes the norm. Gen Z and Millennials, along with advancements in food technology and growing awareness of sustainability and animal welfare, are projected to be the key drivers of this global shift towards a predominantly plant-based diet. The journey to a vegan world may be long, but the destination holds the promise of a more sustainable and compassionate future.

Start your vegan journey by downloading the Food Monster App!

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