Why the Best Time to Learn Python is Right Now

ODSC - Open Data Science
6 min readApr 12, 2023

Python has been gaining popularity in the programming world for years thanks to its easy-to-learn syntax, and now it stands as one of the most widely used programming languages. Because of this, it has gained a reputation as the language of choice for data science and machine learning, but Python’s usefulness goes beyond these fields. There are several reasons why Python is so popular, including its simplicity, versatility, and extensive library support.

In this blog, we will explore five reasons why Python has become the most popular programming language and why it is worth considering for your next project, regardless of your area of expertise.

It’s unbelievable what you can get done with only Python

One of the major benefits of using Python is its ability to perform a wide range of tasks without the need for additional languages such as C#, C+, HTML, CSS, or Javascript, to name a few. That’s because Python comes with a robust standard library that provides developers with a variety of built-in modules for performing tasks such as file handling, networking, web development, video game creation, and data manipulation.

What makes all of this possible is that Python has a massive community of developers who have created a wealth of third-party libraries. This makes Python a uniquely versatile language to learn if you want to try different work in different fields. The Python community makes it easy to find and use packages for various purposes. This means that developers can accomplish a lot with Python without having to learn additional languages, reducing the overall learning curve and saving time and effort.

Are you interested in the secrets of the universe? Then you have Astropy which is an open-source and community-developed library that provides a set of tools and resources for astronomers and astrophysicists. Is astronomy not something you fancy? Well, what about video game development? Pygame is a cross-platform library that provides a set of tools for creating video games in Python. Pygame includes modules for graphics, sound, input handling, and event management, making it easy to build interactive and engaging games.

And the list goes on. Python’s ability to be flexible and possess a simple syntax has made it a popular language of choice for a diverse group of developers with diverse sets of interests.

Simply put, it’s easy to learn — it just takes practice.

As mentioned above, Python is widely known for its simplicity and ease of use. This makes it a popular choice among developers, regardless of their level of experience. That’s because it has a clean and concise syntax, with a focus on readability and simplicity, making it easy for developers to write and maintain code. For those who are new to programming, this makes learning to code a simpler process since its readability and simplicity provide an easier entry-level into coding. The best part? Much of the syntax that you learn with Python is transferable to other programming languages.

Once you learn Python, learning a new programing language is much easier than if someone was starting from scratch. What’s also great about learning Python is that it also has an extensive library of documentation, tutorials, and code examples that are readily available, making it easier for new developers to learn and understand the language. Combine this with its simple syntax, debugging, and locating errors while learning is easier.

AI Tools can help you become a coder and act as your co-coder!

One of the most innovative and exciting resources is AI-powered learning tools that enable learners to become co-coders in their learning journey. These tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze learners’ code and provide personalized feedback and guidance, making the learning process more efficient and effective. One such tool is called Kite. Kite is an AI-powered code completion tool that integrates with various code editors, including VS Code and PyCharm. Kite’s machine learning algorithms analyze the context of a learner’s code and provide suggestions for completing it.

But keep in mind, it is important to note that these AI tools are not a replacement for learning the fundamentals of Python. Though AI can aid you in your journey to becoming a Python master, if you don’t learn the fundamentals of the syntax, you won’t go very far. They can be thought of as similar to a license to drive a self-driving car. While the car may be able to do most of the work, the driver still needs to know how to operate the car and understand the rules of the road. Similarly, even with AI tools to help with learning Python, learners still need to invest time and effort into understanding the language’s fundamental concepts and syntax.

Python is a versatile language

Remember the first paragraph with the quick rundown on all the packages that Python has? Well because of the strong community who have created numerous libraries and frameworks for Python. This has made it an extremely versatile programing language. Because of this, it is widely used in a variety of fields.

For example, Django and Flask are popular Python web frameworks that make it easy to build powerful and scalable web applications. On the other hand, NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas are popular libraries for scientific computing and data analysis, while TensorFlow and PyTorch are widely used for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Additionally, Python’s versatility extends to its ability to be used for both small and large-scale projects, as well as its cross-platform compatibility. This versatility makes Python a go-to language for developers who want to work on a variety of projects and applications, without the hassle of worrying about different languages.

It’s in-demand

Because of Python’s versatility and ease of use, it has become one of the most in-demand programming languages in the job market. Take a look at these top 40 skills and frameworks you’ll want to know in 2023!

Often, if you search on LinkedIn for jobs related to data science, gaming, or other fields that require a programmer, Python is at the top of the list of desirable skills. That’s because many companies and organizations are looking for developers who can use the language due to its ability to cross-platform on projects, package variety, and ease of use.

Python’s popularity isn’t just limited to data science and machine learning. It’s especially sought after in industries like finance, healthcare, and technology as AI and data science tools continue to become important tools across industries. The demand for Python developers has led to high salaries and numerous job opportunities, making it an attractive language for those looking to break into the tech industry or make that major switch in their careers.

With Python, you can “Future Proof” your Career

Due to Python’s continued growth and evolution, it makes it a great candidate for those who want to future-proof their careers by learning a programming language. One important reason beyond this is the robust community beyond Python. It’s constantly working to improve and enhance the language, with regular updates and releases that introduce new features and capabilities. This ongoing development ensures that Python remains relevant and adaptable to new technologies and use cases. For example, recent updates to Python have introduced improvements to its performance and concurrency, making it even more suitable for large-scale, high-performance applications.


Learning Python now means that you will be well-equipped to keep up with new developments in the language. As Python evolves, developers with a strong understanding of its fundamentals will be better positioned to leverage its new features and capabilities. And don’t forget, because of its massive popularity, there will continue to be a growing demand for Python.

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Originally posted on OpenDataScience.com

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