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Building a GenAI CV screener at DataRobot and AWS Hackathon 2023
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Building a GenAI CV screener at DataRobot and AWS Hackathon 2023

Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Euclidean AI

Originally published on Towards AI.


This article describes a solution for a generative AI resume screener that got us 3rd place at DataRobot & AWS Hackathon 2023.

DataRobot & AWS Hackathon

Skip to content October 25, 2023 Briefing session 1pm EST DataRobot and AWS are inviting you and your team to showcase…

Tech Stack

  • DataRobot Workbench
  • AWS Bedrock
  • Streamlit

Solution Architecture

Source: author’s diagram

DataRobot and AWS Bedrock are required as part of the solution design. DataRobot provides a workbench for building data science prototypes through Jupyter Notebook. You can also set the environment variables on the notebook instance for things like AWS access key etc.

Source: author’s screenshot on DataRobot

AWS Bedrock is a managed service platform for foundation models on AWS. It is an orchestration of a bunch of foundation models e.g., Anthropic Claude, Stable Diffusion etc. You can also create a custom model by fine-tuning the foundation models and creating your own model endpoint.

Source: author’s screenshot on AWS

We used Anthropic Claude 2 in our solution. The way we call this model is fairly straightforward. AWS Bedrock provides a Python SDK named Boto3.

Boto3 reference — Boto3 1.28.75 documentation

Do you have a suggestion to improve this website or boto3? Give us feedback.

import boto3, json, os

# You should have your AWS access key id and key saved in environment variables

# Initiate a bedrock client/runtime
bedrock_runtime = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime','us-east-1',endpoint_url='')
except Exception as e:
print({"error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}"})

llm_prompt = """
Your llm prompt here

# Send Rest API request to AWS Bedrock
body = json.dumps({"prompt": llm_prompt, "max_tokens_to_sample": 100000,"temperature":0})
modelId = "anthropic.claude-v2"
accept = 'application/json'
contentType = 'application/json'
response = bedrock_runtime.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType)
rv = response.get('body').read()
except Exception as e:
rv = {"error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}"}

DataRobot offers some additional benefits to work like the LLMOps platform.

  • Model Monitoring after Deployment
  • Prediction Environment (Automatically create a docker image based on your production script)
  • Model Registry
Source: author’s screenshot on DataRobot

To be able to deploy the model, there are two functions that need to be specified on the Jupyter Notebook, load_model() and score_unstructured(). You will have to follow the exact format as specified in DataRobot’s documentation.

Deploy – drx v0.1.19

Deploy any model to ML Ops Any model built outside of DataRobot is considered a 'Custom Model'. If a model is built…

import os


def load_model():
"""Custom model hook for loading our knowledge base."""
import boto3, json, os, sys, io


rv = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime','us-east-1',endpoint_url='')
except Exception as e:
rv = {"error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}"}
return rv

def score_unstructured(model, data, query, **kwargs):
import boto3, json, os, sys, io
"""Custom model hook for screening a resume with llm.

Pass in a data dict with the following headers
job_descript: job description of the advertised role. It needs to include any role specific requirements
resume: resume parsed from pdf in plain text (string)
model: bedrock client object

rv : str
Json dictionary with keys:
- 'completion' main response from Claud2 model
- 'stop sequence' sequence that will cause the model to stop generating completion text

bedrock_runtime = model
generation_prompt_template = """
\n\nHuman: You are a virtual recruiter for a company. Your task is to review the candidate's resume against the job description. You must list out all the requirements from the job description in your
response and find the relevant experience from the candidate's resume, then assign a relevancy scale (from 0 to 1). If you can't find relevant experience, just say no relevant experience, don't try to make up
an answer. You must include all requirements from the job description. The response must be in a form of a html table with Requirements, Relevant Experience and Relevancy Scale as header row.



data_dict = json.loads(data)
llm_prompt = generation_prompt_template.format(

body = json.dumps({"prompt": llm_prompt, "max_tokens_to_sample": 100000,"temperature":0})
modelId = "anthropic.claude-v2"
accept = 'application/json'
contentType = 'application/json'
response = bedrock_runtime.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType)
rv = response.get('body').read()
except Exception as e:
rv = {"error": f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}"}
return rv

Lastly, you can run the deploy function to deploy your model as an endpoint. In this case, it’s just a wrapper function that uses the AWS Bedrock client under the hood.

import datarobotx as drx

deployment = drx.deploy(
name="CV Screener Powered by LLM",
hooks={"score_unstructured": score_unstructured, "load_model": load_model},
extra_requirements=["boto3", "botocore", "datarobotx[llm]", "pypdf","unstructured", "awscli>=1.29.57", "datarobot-drum"],
# Re-use existing environment if you want to change the hook code,
# and not requirements
# Enable storing prediction data, necessary for Data Export for monitoring purposes

We built the prototype with Streamlit.

Source: author’s screenshot on his Streamlit app

Example job description:

We are looking for talented people with excellent engineering skills and deep knowledge of machine learning who can analyze problems, design unprecedented solutions, and implement them for real-world use on top of our platform. Our engineers are also depended upon to lift up everyone around them and contribute to the excellence of every engineer in the organization.

You will assist in our journey to be the best platform for extracting value from Deep Learning & Gen AI.


Write maintainable, testable, production-grade Python code
Design and build products for end-users powered by machine learning and generative AI
Integrate machine learning algorithms with other applications and servicesAutomate machine learning processes

Main Requirements

Recommended background: 6-8 years of combined Python engineering and machine learning experience - with a focus on Deep Learning.
Experience with deep learning libraries and frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch etc.)
Experience writing maintainable, testable, production-grade Python code
Understanding of different machine learning approaches and their tradeoffs
Good command of scientific Python toolkit (numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn)
Understanding of time, RAM, and I/O scalability aspects of data science applications (e.g. CPU and GPU acceleration, operations on sparse arrays, model serialization, and caching)
Software design and peer code review skills
Experience with automated testing and test-driven development in Python
Experience with Git + GitHub
Comfortable with Linux-based operating systems

Desired Skills

Experience with large-scale machine learning (100GB+ datasets)
Competitive machine learning experience (e.g. Kaggle)
Previous experience in deploying and maintaining machine learning models in production

The talent and dedication of our employees are at the core of DataRobot’s journey to be an iconic company. We strive to attract and retain the best talent by providing competitive pay and benefits with our employees’ well-being at the core. Here’s what your benefits package may include depending on your location and local legal requirements: Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance, Flexible Time Off Program, Paid Holidays, Paid Parental Leave, Global Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and more!

With the resume sample, here is the screening output by LLM.

Source: author’s model output

Thanks for reading through our solution. Here is a 2-minute showcase video below. Hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.

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Published via Towards AI

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