python libraries

List of Python Libraries for Data Science

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One of the most widely used and highly popular programming languages in the technological world is Python. The programming language has replaced some of the most effective programming languages industries have had in the past. Significantly, despite being user-friendly and easy to learn, one of Python’s many advantages is that it has large collection of libraries. Accordingly, if libraries play its own significant roles in order to enhance business operations. To help you understand Python Libraries better, the blog will explain a Python Libraries for Data Science List which you can learn about.

What is a Python Library?

Considering the fact that Python’s efficacy lies within the presence of a number of libraries that help programmers to work in diverse fields. Accordingly, Python Libraries are a collection of functions allowing you to write codes without having to start from scratch. It has more than 137,000 libraries which Python uses to create applications and models in different fields. This may include for instance in Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Visualisation, image and Data Manipulation.

What to consider when choosing a Python Library?

As the collection of Python libraries are huge, you might be faced with the need to make difficult decision on which library to choose from. Consequently, to make it easier for you, here are some things you should consider when choosing Python Libraries:

  • What is your intended purpose?

You should be clear about the primary purpose or intent of the project you’re working on that will help in narrowing down the list of options in Python Libraries. You can also consider additional fields related to your project purpose and shrink your pool of selections further.

  • What version of Python are you using?

As there are different versions of Python available, you need to make sure that whichever version you choose for your application, it is compatible with the libraries effectively.

  • Will this library work with the other libraries you are using?

In case you are using multiple languages, you need to make sure that all the libraries work well with one another. Alternatively, working with incompatible or overlapping libraries may cause trouble than they are worth.

  • Will the library fit your budget?

Python libraries for Data Science which are available in abundance are free and in case you find that these libraries suit your project perfectly, you may not have to pay at all. However, as some libraries may require your access, you should consider the cost of the library before you proceed.

List of Python Libraries and Their Uses

Python Libraries for Data Science

Given below are the Python Libraries that can be identified to be important working Python Libraries used by programmers in the industry:


It is a computational library useful for writing new algorithms involving large number of tensor operations. Evidently, you may need neural network that neural networks are easily expressed using computational graphs, TensorFlow can be used to implement computational graphs on Tensors as a series of operations.


  • You can use TensorFlow indirectly using Applications like Google Voice Search or Google Photos.
  • The libraries created in TensorFlow are written in C and C++ but the frontend for Python is complicated.
  • The number of TensorFlow applications is unlimited and is the best version.


Scikit Learn is associated with NumPy and SciPy and is one of the best libraries helpful for working with complex data. Its modified feature includes the cross-validation that allowing it to use more than one metric.


The primary use for the Scikit-Learn emphasises on the implementation of standard machine learning tasks and data mining tasks that contains high number of algorithms.


NumPy is one of the most popular Python Libraries for Machine Learning in Python. Multiple operations are conducted by companies internally emphasising on the use of NumPy. Full-stack developers make use of the library of NumPy and hence, need to posses clear and sound knowledge about him


  • You can make use of the interface explaining images and sound wave.
  • It is clear that implementation of this library for ML dimension.


Keras has been described as one of Python’s finest  packages. It facilitates the verbalization of neural networks. Keras additionally includes some of the most excellent instruments for building models, analysing information sets, graph visualisation, and much more.


Keras internally employs both Theano, which or TensorFlow in the backend. Some of the most popular neural networks, such as CNTK, can also be used. When compared with other machine learning libraries, Keras is relatively sluggish. Because it uses back-end technology to generate a cognitive graph and then uses it to carry out operations. Keras models are all refundable or transferable


PyTorch is the most commonly popular as a machine learning library, allowing developers to do tensor calculations. It uses GPU acceleration, produce dynamic computation graphs, and computation of gradients. Aside from that, PyTorch provides comprehensive APIs for handling neural network-related application issues.


  • PyTorch is primarily important in applications for natural language processing tasks.
  • It was mostly developed by Facebook’s artificial intelligence research lab, and it serves as the basis for Uber’s “Pyro” technology for probability programming.


Gradient Boosting is a significant machine learning toolbox which helps developers in developing innovative algorithms by utilising defined fundamental models, specifically decision trees. As a result, there are special libraries accessible to facilitate the rapid and effective execution of this function.


  • These libraries provide extremely scalable, optimised, and quick gradient enhancement implementations, making them famous amongst machine learning engineers.
  • Because these algorithms have been employed by the majority of machine learning full-stack programmers who won machine-learning tournaments.


Many machine learning predictions of models are erroneous and the Eli5 machine learning toolkit written in Python assists in solving this difficulty. It includes visualisation and troubleshooting of all machine learning models, as well as monitoring all working steps of an algorithms.


  • Mathematical applications that demand a large amount of calculation in a short period of time.
  • Furthermore, if there are dependencies with other Python containers, Eli5 is critical.
  • Apparently, Legacy programmes and the execution of contemporary approaches in a variety of fields.


SciPy is a machine learning store for developers and researchers. However, you have to comprehend the distinction among SciPy module and SciPy stack. The SciPy library includes optimisation, linear algebra, integration, and statistics components.

  • SciPy is an application to perform mathematical functions which makes use of NumPy. SciPy’s primary information structure is NumPy arrays, and it contains modules for a variety of regularly used activities in scientific programming.
  • SciPy handles tasks like linear algebra, integration (calculus), regular differential equation solution, and signal analysis with ease.


Theano is a Python-based computing framework machine learning store for calculating arrays with multiple dimensions. Significantly, Theano operates comparable to TensorFlow, though it is not as effective. Because of its incapacity to function within manufacturing environments.


  • The syntax of Theano expressions is symbolic, which can be frightening to prospective customers who are useful to traditional software development. Specifically, phrases are specified in terms of abstraction, compiled, and then used to do calculations.
  • Moreover, it primarily handles the types of computing for Deep Learning’s big neural network algorithms. It is a  for Deep Learning development and research and was one of the first collections of its sort (work began in 2007).


Pandas is a Python machine learning package which offers high-leve data structures as well as an extensive selection of analysis tools. Accordingly, One of the most advantageous characteristics of this library is its ability to reduce complex data processes into one or two instructions. Most essentially. Pandas include many options for grouping, merging, and filtering data and time-series functionality.


  • There are currently fewer releases of the pandas library, which include several hundred new features, bug fixes, updates, and API modifications.
  • Pandas ensure that  in terms of its capacity for combining and sort data, choose the best appropriate result for the apply function, and supporting for performing various custom types operations.


From the above blog, it is clear that these top 10 Python Libraries for Data Science are some of the best ones and the importance of Python libraries are huge in the companies. Essentially, learning and developing skills and capabilities for working of Python libraries can enable greater efficacy for solving complex problems. If you want to have a career in Python, you should indulge yourself in Python certification course. You can effectively consider learning how to answer Python Interview Questions which can of immense help for you.


  • Tarun Chaturvedi

    Written by:

    I am a data enthusiast and aspiring leader in the analytics field, with a background in engineering and experience in Data Science. Passionate about using data to solve complex problems, I am dedicated to honing my skills and knowledge in this field to positively impact society. I am working as a Data Science intern with, where I have explored the enormous potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide solutions for businesses & learning.