Holiday Hacking: Launching the Ocean Protocol Holiday Build-A-Thon

Dance into 2024 with AI, Blockchain, and data science confluence and join us for the Ocean Protocol Holiday Build-A-Thon, happening from December 7th to January 12th, with a $6,000 USD (payable in OCEAN or USDC) Prize Pool is available for the top 3 submissions. The registration period is between December 7th — December 15th, 2023.

Ocean Protocol Team
Ocean Protocol


This Holiday Build-A-Thon is your chance to explore the limits of Ocean Technology and integrate it into various applications. It’s a platform for showcasing your skills and creativity within the Ecosystem. We look forward to seeing your groundbreaking projects and wish everyone a Happy Holidays. Best of luck to those competing!

The registration period is between December 7th — December 14th, 2023. Latecomers will be able to sign up in rolling admissions moving forward until December 31, midnight UTC. This is followed by a four-week window to innovate and build using the Ocean Technology stack ending Friday, January 12th, 2024. This event provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the global data economy, with applications spanning healthcare, government, and more.

Read on for the details of the Holiday Build-A-Thon:


The Holiday Build-A-Thon, utilizing Ocean Protocol, presents a unique opportunity for developers, blockchain connoisseurs, and data scientists to collaborate and innovate in a decentralized data economy.

Ocean Protocol, known for its robust toolkit enabling general-purpose access to share, monetize, and access data while preserving privacy, serves as the backbone tech stack for this event.


To encourage innovative applications in DeFi, AI, and environmental sectors, contributing to a new data economy. Participants are encouraged to create novel applications or solutions that leverage Ocean technology to address challenges related to data sharing, data marketplaces, or data-driven insights & predictive analytics. The hackathon environment fosters creativity and experimentation, allowing teams to explore the Ocean Protocol toolkit — such as secure data tokens, ocean.js, ocean smart contract library, and

Key Focus Areas and Tools:

  • Innovative applications in DeFi, AI, and environmental sectors.
  • Novel solutions leveraging Ocean technology for data sharing, marketplaces, insights, and analytics.
  • Utilization of Ocean Protocol toolkit, including secure data tokens, ocean.js, ocean smart contract library, and


Launch Date: Monday, December 7, 2023

Registration Deadline: Thursday, December 14, 2023, 11:59 PM UTC

Final Entry Deadline: Friday, January 12, 2024 (last day for registered teams to submit their entry)


Looking to form a team or learn more? 24/7 support for developers and technical support can be found in the Ocean Community Discord under channel #Data-Science-Hub.

Participation Structure

Team Formation: You are free to participate by yourself or as a team. Please include the name and email of all team members when registering.

Duration: 4 weeks — to develop the application, tool, or business case.

Goal: Build–by yourself or with a team you are confident and equipped to succeed with. Real-world value and simplicity are pillars of goals and success for this Build-A-Thon. Automation, data processing, and predictive analytics are just a few verticals where these goals can be obtained.

Technical Framework

Primary Resources Available to Utilize. Use or fork the following:

Ocean.js (Javascript)

Ocean CLI (Command Line Interface)

Ocean Smart Contracts Library (Python)

Ocean Uploader (File Storage)

Templates and Showcases (Examples)

Development Guidelines

Infrastructure, user guides, developer resources, and further documentation on the technical framework can be found in our docs:

Suggested Themes:

  • DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Build tools for financial services like lending, borrowing, or trading using Ocean’s secure data-sharing capabilities.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): Develop applications that leverage AI for automating tasks, prediction models, or data-driven decision-making.
  • Environment & Open Data: Create solutions for environmental challenges, such as sustainable resource management or climate change data analytics.

Final Submission

Your team will be allotted roughly 1 month to create, test, and validate your submission. Requirements for the final project submission include:

  1. Code Repositories & READme (GitHub URL is sufficient)
  2. Documentation & User Guide
  3. 1 Demonstration video
  4. Publish requirements 1–3 into a zip file as a final asset package, using the submission feature on Desights

Throughout your documentation and demonstration video, you are asked to please emphasize the importance of originality, scalability, and real-world applicability for your proposal. Further details will be provided after registering.

Evaluation Criteria

3 teams will be awarded for their work. A committee of technical and business team members of the Ocean Protocol Core team will assess this Holiday Build-A-Thon. When evaluating, 3 pillars can sway a winning product, project, or functionality:

  1. Innovation: Creativity in addressing the chosen theme
  2. Technical Implementation: Effective use and execution of Ocean Technology
  3. Impact: Potential contribution & business application to the new data economy and societal/enterprise/developer benefits.

Awards and Post-Hackathon Opportunities

A $6,000 USD (payable in OCEAN or USDC) Prize Pool is available for the top 3 submissions. The evaluation panel will determine if the entries submitted are valid, submitted in good faith, and meet minimum requirements as specified in the challenge description.


You can enter by yourself, but we encourage you to enter as a team. To find a team, reach out on Discord to find people with similar interests.

Please confirm your participation, and chosen theme through this brief registration form here.


Submissions entered into the Holiday Build-A-Thon that not only meet but exceed the outlined criteria can take various forms such as a business proposal, a technology integration project, an experimental hypothesis, or a game-changing application in Web3, AI, and data science. Successful teams can view this opportunity as a stepping stone towards future collaborations with Ocean. This includes possibilities like grant rounds, expanded networking opportunities, and co-marketing initiatives.

As 2023 dawns and 2024 begins, future prospective business applications, bi-weekly data science intensive explorations, and hypothesis testing can be found through Ocean Data Challenges.

We look forward to seeing how creative and innovative you can be in this interactive research and testing. Are you an organization or business with data looking to leverage a community of data scientists to offer intelligence and analytics to your situation? If so, reach out to the Ocean Protocol Core team to discuss a future data challenge that highlights your protocol and questions you would like to have answered about your users, insights, predictive analytics, and future best practices.

About Ocean Protocol

Ocean was founded to level the playing field for AI and data. Ocean tools enable people to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data.

Follow Ocean on Twitter or Telegram to keep up to date. Chat directly with the Ocean community on Discord. Or, track Ocean progress now on GitHub.

