Using Comet for Interpretability and Explainability

Edwin Maina
Published in
12 min readSep 7, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning and artificial intelligence, understanding and explaining the decisions made by models have become paramount. Imagine a self-driving car navigating the streets; you’d want to know how and why it’s making the choices it does.

Enter Comet, that streamlines the model development process and strongly emphasizes model interpretability and explainability.

Why Does It Matter?

As we journey deeper into the era of AI, the stakes are higher than ever. Models aren’t just churning out recommendations; they’re diagnosing illnesses, predicting market trends, and driving vehicles. Trusting these models is essential, and trust requires understanding. Without interpretability and explainability, these models could be perceived as mysterious “black boxes,” creating skepticism and hindering their adoption.

Think of it this way: if a doctor prescribes you medication, you’d likely want to know why that specific medication was chosen. Similarly, understanding why a machine learning model makes a prediction is crucial in many real-world applications.

Buckle up; this journey through the world of model interpretability and explainability with Comet is bound to be enlightening. Let’s start by understanding why transparency in AI is not just an option but a necessity in today’s world.

The Need for Model Interpretability and Explainability

In the age of AI, models impact our lives in countless ways. They influence the ads we see, the credit scores we receive, and even the medical diagnoses we’re given. But what happens when these models act like well-guarded secrets, their decision-making processes shrouded in mystery? This is where the need for model interpretability and explainability arises.

Imagine an AI system deciding whether a loan application is approved or denied. Without the ability to explain why a particular decision was made, the applicant might feel an inscrutable algorithm determines their fate. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust and even legal and ethical concerns.

Beyond Trust: Practical Significance

Model interpretability and explainability extend far beyond building trust. They have real-world implications. Consider healthcare, where AI models are being used for disease diagnosis. Understanding how a model arrived at a diagnosis isn’t just a matter of trust; it’s about the patient’s well-being. Doctors and patients can make more informed decisions if a model can explain its reasoning.

Moreover, model decisions can have substantial financial consequences in industries like finance. Being able to trace back the reasons for a prediction can prevent financial disasters. Interpretability and explainability are not just “nice to have” features; they are essential for AI's responsible and ethical use.

Challenges Without Interpretability

Without model interpretability and explainability, we face several challenges:

  1. Bias and Fairness: Models can inherit biases from their training data. Without transparency, it’s challenging to identify and rectify these biases.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: There are legal requirements for model transparency in many industries. Non-compliance can result in severe consequences.
  3. Debugging and Improvement: Debugging and improving models become arduous tasks when you can’t pinpoint the root causes of their errors or inefficiencies.
  4. User Acceptance: End-users are more likely to accept AI-driven decisions when they understand their rationale.

In essence, model interpretability and explainability are not just buzzwords but fundamental pillars upon which trustworthy AI systems are built. In the next section, we’ll introduce you to Comet, a platform that champions these principles, and how it can revolutionize your approach to machine learning.

Comet: An Overview

Now that we’ve established the critical importance of model interpretability and explainability, let’s introduce you to the star of the show: Comet. This platform is not just your average machine learning tool; it’s your co-pilot on the journey to model enlightenment.

Comet is a comprehensive platform designed to bring sanity and clarity to the often complex world of machine learning. It’s your virtual command center for managing, tracking, and understanding your AI experiments. Whether you’re a solo data scientist or part of a larger team, Comet provides the tools and infrastructure to streamline your machine learning workflow.

Key Features That Set Comet Apart

Comet’s unwavering commitment to model interpretability and explainability is what truly sets it apart. Here’s a glimpse of what it offers:

  1. Experiment Tracking: Comet allows you to track your machine learning experiments effortlessly. Think of it as a meticulously organized lab notebook, but one that can handle the complexity of modern ML workflows.
  2. Visualization Tools: Visualizing your experiments’ progress is a breeze with Comet. It provides interactive charts and visualizations to help you gain insights into your model’s behavior.
  3. Hyperparameter Optimization: Comet makes hyperparameter tuning less of a guessing game. It helps you find the optimal set of hyperparameters, improving model performance and understanding.
  4. Collaboration Made Easy: If you’re working with a team, Comet’s collaborative features enable seamless teamwork. You can share your experiments, insights, and findings effortlessly.
  5. Model Versioning: Keeping track of different versions of your models is a piece of cake with Comet. You can compare models, see how they evolve, and understand why one version might perform better than another.

Unlocking the Black Box with Comet

Here’s the magic: Comet is engineered to provide interpretability and explainability out of the box. It doesn’t just stop at helping you build better models; it also helps you understand how those models work.

Imagine being able to visualize how your model’s performance metrics change during training in real time. Picture having a dynamic, interactive dashboard that reveals the impact of each hyperparameter on your model’s accuracy. Comet transforms the “black box” into a glass box, allowing you to see inside and understand the inner workings of your AI systems.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the techniques and tools that Comet offers for enhancing model interpretability and explainability. From tracking experiments to exploring feature importance, Comet equips you with the means to uncover the mysteries of your models. The journey to AI enlightenment has never been more exciting.

Techniques for Model Interpretability in Comet

Now that we’ve introduced you to the marvel that is Comet, it’s time to dive into the practical techniques it offers for enhancing model interpretability. These techniques are not just abstract concepts; we’ll provide code snippets to illuminate your path.

Experiment Tracking and Visualization

One of Comet’s standout features is its support for experiment tracking and visualization. It’s like having a virtual laboratory where every experiment is meticulously logged and displayed.

Imagine you’re training a deep learning model for image recognition. With Comet, you can easily log and visualize metrics during training. Let’s see it in action with some Python code:

import comet_ml

# Initialize experiment
experiment = comet_ml.Experiment(project_name="model-interpretability-demo")

# Log metrics during training
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
loss = train(model, train_data)
accuracy = evaluate(model, validation_data)

experiment.log_metric("loss", loss, step=epoch)
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", accuracy, step=epoch)

With this code, Comet tracks the metrics and provides interactive charts that allow you to scrutinize the model’s performance as it evolves during training. It’s like having a dashboard for your AI experiments, providing real-time insights.

Hyperparameter Optimization

Understanding how different hyperparameters affect your model’s performance is crucial for interpretability. Comet makes hyperparameter tuning a breeze. You can easily experiment with different hyperparameter configurations and observe their impact.

Here’s a code example that demonstrates how to use Comet for hyperparameter optimization using the Bayes algorithm:

import comet_ml
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Create a dataset
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5000, n_informative=3, random_state=25)

# Split into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=25)

# Define the configuration dictionary
config_dict = {
"algorithm": "bayes",
"spec": {
"maxCombo": 20,
"objective": "minimize",
"metric": "loss",
"minSampleSize": 500,
"retryLimit": 20,
"retryAssignLimit": 0,
"parameters": {
"n_estimators": {
"type": "integer",
"scalingType": "uniform",
"min": 100,
"max": 300
"criterion": {
"type": "categorical",
"values": ["gini", "entropy"]
"min_samples_leaf": {
"type": "discrete",
"values": [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
"name": "Bayes Optimization",
"trials": 1

# Initialize the Comet Optimizer
opt = comet_ml.Optimizer(

# Iterate through experiments and train models
for experiment in opt.get_experiments():
random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(
), y_train)
y_pred = random_forest.predict(X_test)

# Log results to Comet
experiment.log_metric("accuracy", accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))

In this example, we perform hyperparameter tuning for a random forest classifier using the Bayes optimization algorithm through Comet’s Optimizer class. We define the configuration dictionary with the algorithm, hyperparameters to tune, and their respective types and ranges. Then, we iterate through experiments, train models with different hyperparameters, and log the results to Comet.

Please note that you’ll need to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" and "your_workspace" with your actual Comet API key and workspace information.

Model Versioning

Keeping track of different versions of your models is made simple with Comet. You can compare models, view their architecture, and understand how they evolve. This is essential for understanding which changes led to improved (or degraded) model performance.

import comet_ml

# Initialize experiment
experiment = comet_ml.Experiment(project_name="model-versioning-demo")

# Train and evaluate a model
model_v1 = train_and_evaluate()

# Log the model's architecture
experiment.log_model("model-v1", model_v1)

# Train and evaluate an updated model
model_v2 = train_and_evaluate()

# Log the updated model
experiment.log_model("model-v2", model_v2)

Comet isn’t just a passive observer in your machine learning journey; it’s your guide to unlocking the mysteries of your models. In the next section, we’ll explore how Comet goes even further by offering tools for model explainability, revealing not just what your models do but why they do it. Stay tuned for an enlightening journey into the world of AI interpretability.

Tools for Model Explainability in Comet

In our journey to uncover the depths of model interpretability and explainability, we now turn to Comet’s toolbox of tools. These instruments empower you to dig even deeper into your models and answer the question that often lingers in AI: “Why did you make that prediction?”

Integrating Explainability Libraries

Comet seamlessly integrates with popular explainability libraries like SHAP and LIME. These libraries allow you to probe your models and understand their inner workings. Let’s dive into SHAP, a powerful tool for feature importance analysis:

import os

#Ensuring that the auto-logging feature is set to true
os.environ("COMET_AUTO_LOG_FIGURES") = "1"

import comet_ml
import shap

# Initialize experiment
experiment = Experiment(project_name="shap-explanation-demo")

# Load your trained model and data
model = YourTrainedModel() # Replace with your trained model
input_data = YourInputData() # Replace with your input data

# Create a SHAP explainer
explainer = shap.Explainer(model, input_data)

# Choose a specific data point for explanation
sample_idx = 0 # Replace with the index of the sample you want to explain
sample_data = input_data[sample_idx]

# Explain the model's prediction for the chosen sample
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(sample_data)

# Visualize the explanations (e.g., if it's an image, use shap.image_plot)
shap.image_plot(shap_values, sample_data)

# Close the Comet experiment

This code snippet simplifies the process of integrating SHAP explanations with It begins by initializing a experiment for tracking SHAP explanations. You should replace the placeholders with your own pre-trained model and input data.

A SHAP explainer is then created, allowing you to compute SHAP values for a specific data point. These values are visualized using an appropriate method (e.g., shap.image_plot for image data). Finally, the Comet experiment is closed to ensure proper tracking.

This code provides a straightforward template for enhancing the interpretability of your machine learning models.

Feature Importance Analysis

Understanding which features most influence your model’s predictions can be a game-changer. Comet simplifies feature importance analysis, allowing you to visualize and track the significance of each feature.

Consider a scenario where you’re building a credit risk model. Knowing which factors weigh the most in predicting creditworthiness can provide valuable insights. Comet makes it easy to log and visualize feature importance scores:

import comet_ml
import xgboost as xgb
import shap
import pandas as pd

# Initialize experiment
experiment = comet_ml.Experiment(project_name="feature-importance-demo")

#loading saved xgboost model
model = xgb.Booster()
#initializing x_test and y_test
y_test = pd.read_csv("./...")
x_test = pd.read_csv("./...")

#Theoretical xgboost feature importance using shap explainer
feature_importance = shap.Treeexplainer(model)

# Log feature importance scores as a custom value
experiment.log_other("feature_importance_scores", feature_importance)

# Close the Comet experiment

In this code:

  • We initialize a Comet experiment with your specified project name.
  • We assume that you have calculated feature importance scores using your custom function or method, which should be substituted for calculate_feature_importance(model, data).
  • We log the feature importance scores using experiment.log_other, providing the name "feature_importance_scores" for the custom value.
  • Finally, we close the Comet experiment with experiment.end() to ensure that the logged information is saved properly.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve even deeper into practical applications and real-world case studies that demonstrate the true power of Comet in enhancing model interpretability and explainability. Stay with us as we uncover more insights and discoveries on this journey.

Case Studies

Bringing It All Together: Real-World Applications

In our journey to unlock the secrets of model interpretability and explainability with Comet, it’s time to ground our exploration with real-world case studies. These case studies will showcase how Comet has been applied to practical scenarios, providing tangible examples of its impact on model understanding.

Case Study 1: Healthcare

Imagine you’re part of a team developing an AI system for early cancer detection. The stakes are high, and model accuracy alone isn’t enough. Interpretability and explainability are paramount, as doctors and patients need to trust the system’s recommendations.

The Challenge: Understanding why the AI system flagged a particular patient for further examination.

The Solution: Comet helps by logging and visualizing model predictions, enabling doctors to see the factors contributing to each prediction. This transparency not only builds trust but also aids in fine-tuning the model for better performance.

Case Study 2: Finance

In the fast-paced world of finance, AI models drive investment decisions worth millions. However, making these decisions without understanding why a model predicts a certain stock’s rise or fall is risky.

The Challenge: Explaining to stakeholders why the AI model recommends buying or selling a particular stock.

The Solution: Comet’s integration with SHAP and feature importance analysis enables financial analysts to identify the key drivers behind the model’s decisions, letting them make more informed investment choices.

Case Study 3: Natural Language Processing

Text-based AI models like chatbots and sentiment analyzers are becoming ubiquitous. However, these models must not only produce accurate results but also provide explanations for their responses.

The Challenge: Making chatbot responses understandable and justifiable to users.

The Solution: Comet aids in interpreting model outputs, allowing developers to ensure that the chatbot’s responses are both contextually relevant and transparent. Users can trust that the chatbot’s advice is not arbitrary.

Case Study 4: Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving cars are a classic example of AI impacting real-world safety. Imagine a self-driving car suddenly braking. To build trust, passengers need to know why the car took that action.

The Challenge: Providing passengers with real-time explanations for the car’s decisions.

The Solution: Comet’s real-time experiment tracking and visualization tools enable the car to communicate its decision-making process. Passengers can view the car’s sensor data and understand why it made certain driving choices, enhancing their confidence in the AI-driven system.

These case studies illustrate that Comet is not just a tool for researchers and data scientists; it’s a critical component in developing AI systems people can trust and rely on. By using Comet, you’re improving your models’ performance and ensuring that they are interpretable and explainable, making them fit for real-world deployment.

Conclusion: Comet: Illuminating the Path to Model Interpretability and Explainability

As we conclude our exploration of Comet’s role in enhancing model interpretability and explainability, it’s vital to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken. From the critical importance of understanding why AI models make decisions to the practical tools and techniques provided by Comet, we’ve uncovered a path toward more transparent and trustworthy AI systems.

In a world increasingly reliant on AI, Comet is your ally in ensuring that AI models are not just accurate but also interpretable and explainable. It empowers you to build systems that make predictions and provide the ‘whys’ behind those predictions, instilling trust in users, stakeholders, and society at large.

So, as you continue your quest to develop AI systems that inspire confidence and make a meaningful impact, remember that Comet is your guiding star, illuminating the path to model interpretability and explainability. Embrace it, and together, we’ll build a future where AI is not a mysterious force but a transparent tool that empowers us all.


  1. “Interpretable Machine Learning” by Christoph Molnar — This book provides an in-depth understanding of interpretability in machine learning. Read it here
  2. “SHAP (Shapley Additive explanations)” — A library for explaining machine learning models, particularly popular for its use in interpreting black-box models. GitHub Repository
  3. “LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations)” — Another popular library for model explainability, focused on creating locally faithful explanations. GitHub Repository
  4. “Comet Documentation” — Explore Comet’s official documentation to learn more about its features and capabilities for tracking and interpreting machine learning experiments. Comet Documentation

Editor’s Note: Heartbeat is a contributor-driven online publication and community dedicated to providing premier educational resources for data science, machine learning, and deep learning practitioners. We’re committed to supporting and inspiring developers and engineers from all walks of life.

Editorially independent, Heartbeat is sponsored and published by Comet, an MLOps platform that enables data scientists & ML teams to track, compare, explain, & optimize their experiments. We pay our contributors, and we don’t sell ads.

If you’d like to contribute, head on over to our call for contributors. You can also sign up to receive our weekly newsletter (Deep Learning Weekly), check out the Comet blog, join us on Slack, and follow Comet on Twitter and LinkedIn for resources, events, and much more that will help you build better ML models, faster.

