How to Ace the Data Science Job Hunt at ODSC East

ODSC - Open Data Science
5 min readApr 20, 2023

When you’re in search of your next job opportunity in data science, even if you’re only looking to do so passively, there are a few things that you’ll want to consider if you want to get the most out of your job search. Any causal online search will give you a variety of conflicting pieces of advice that all claim to be the so-called “silver bullet” of any job search. The truth is, there is no such thing, and that’s why ODSC has a variety of programs and opportunities geared to data professionals no matter their level or what stage in the search they’re in.

So let’s take a look at a few things that ODSC East has that will supercharge your job search and take it to the next level.

Career Sessions

There are three key career sessions happening at ODSC East that not only provide strategic insights into the job hunt, economy, and what companies are looking for, but they also provide you with vast opportunities to learn the tools they’re all talking about!

First up is “Ace the Data Job Hunt.” Enjoy an insightful session from Ex-Facebook/Google Enineer and best-selling author Nick Singh. Here he’ll give you not only some tools to supercharge that resume but also teach you six critical mistakes to avoid when you’re ready to tackle the job hunt. Of course, the session will have a bit more but you’ll have to check it out for yourself!

So you got in? What many sessions and speakers often miss is the critical details surrounding data culture within organizations. In Vatsala Sarathy’s session “Data-curiosity: How to Create and Nurture a Data-curious Culture in your Organization” she brings her expertise in management and strategy to help you understand common challenges organizations face when it comes to their data. If you’re looking to win over the higher-ups, this a great session to engage in so you can be part of the problem-solving squad at your next job.

Finally, there is Anna Jung, Sr. ML Open Source Engineer at WMware’s session “Do You Know About the People Behind The Tools?” With the rapid growth and adoption of machine learning across industries, the dependency on open-source communities by many large organizations will continue to grow. Learn how both co-exist and what it means to be part of the ML open-source community.

ODSC East Bootcamp

As with any job search, the need to shore up skills or develop new foundations is always an important aspect of any hunt. At ODSC East, you’ll have the opportunity to unlock your full potential with expert-led classes during the pre-event training. Whether you’re coming to Boston or training at home with your office cat, the ODSC East Bootcamp offers students an opportunity to gain in-demand and actionable machine learning skills in the shortest amount of time with minimal investment.

The secret is the fully immersive experience that you’ll get. Access a full range of industry-focused data science topics from machine learning/deep pearling, to NLP, popular frameworks, tools, programming languages, data wrangling, and all the skills you need to know. Whether you’re reskilling, upskilling, or developing the foundations for your data science journey, ODSC East provides you with 3 to 4 days of immersive live training that is hands-on. With ODSC, it doesn’t stop at the Bootcamp.

Once the Bootcamp is over, you’ll have access to Ai+ Training, our on-demand training platform that is self-paced and can help you position yourself for your next great leap.

Career Expo

So you’ve listened to some amazing sessions, trained with the brightest minds in data science, and developed some awesome skills, what’s next? Well, that’s the Career Expo. There you’ll not only have opportunities to meet fellow data science professionals, but you’ll get to build up your network while navigating your career. That’s because, at the Career Expo at ODSC East, the point is for you to succeed. Learn from experts in the field, and meet companies, recruiters, fellow data professionals, and others.

The Expo not only provides a place for partners such as Google, Wayfair, CVSHealth, and many others to scout out talent, but it’s also a resource for those who want to further their data careers by utilizing knowledge gained during sessions and building up networks that last a lifetime. That’s not all. You’ll be able to also upload your resume and get recommendations during the Career Expo itself! This is a carefully crafted ecosystem that has the job candidate in mind, providing you with a variety of options no matter your professional level of experience.

AI Expo

The one great aspect of the data science field is that it’s so dynamic. Frames evolve, new techniques and languages emerge, and there is always something new. That’s why at ODSC East, we have the AI Expo. And the best part? The AI Expo is free! Throughout all of ODSC East, the AI Expo will have Keynotes from the brightest minds in Data science, product demo talks to show off the latest tools and gadgets, AI solutions from our partners who are pushing the envelope in AI, and of course networking.

The AI Expo is the place to be if you’re ready to discover what exactly is pushing AI forward with such momentum. The topics covered at the Expo Hall are varied and touch on every aspect of data science, from machine learning/deep learning platforms to MLOps & data infrastructure, data annotation & data labeling, cloud solutions, analytics, and decision intelligence systems.

It’s a free event that no data pro should miss!


So what do you think? Some neat stuff going on in Boston, right? As you can see, ODSC East has everything you covered at each step of the job search journey. From training, workshops, networking, resumes, sessions, and more, East has what you need to supercharge your job hunt. The best part is right now tickets are 30% off! But, you have to act fast as they are in short supply. Get yours today, and ensure your job hunt is successful with ODSC.

Originally posted on

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ODSC - Open Data Science

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