Amazon Self Publishing Service to Crack Down on AI Generated Content

ODSC - Open Data Science
3 min readSep 29, 2023

After months of AI-generated content flooding Amazon’s self-publishing service, the tech giant looks to crack down on AI-generated content. In a report from Fox News, Amazon is now requiring disclosure of AI-generated content after waves of complaints.

In the report, Amazon updated their guidelines with the following, “We require you to inform us of AI-generated content (text, images or translations) when you publish a new book or make edits to and republish an existing book through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). AI-generated images include cover and interior images and artwork.”

So it seems that the company is hoping to tag AI content through three of its most likely sources: book covers, interior artwork, and of course the content within the books. A spokesperson with Amazon told Fox Digital that, “content guidelines now require that KDP authors and publishers inform us whether their content is AI-generated.

This new update comes as authors and readers flooded the tech giant with waves of complaints as AI-generated content began to flood the Amazon Kindle service. At the very least, authors have to disclose if their work contains any level of AI.

The Authors Guild, which helped to push Amazon to make these changes, called the move a “welcome first step” toward reducing the impact of AI books. Some authors have used AI to help them with editing, tracking, and other associate-level work.

Others seemed to have used services such as ChatGPT to produce works which they then turn around and sell online on the Amazon platform. But it’s not just that people are using AI to produce work that worries the guild. In some cases, books were marketed as created by well-known writers when they had nothing to do with the work.

In a statement on that issue, the Authors Guild said, “In recent months, we have seen examples of AI-generated books ascending the best-seller lists on Amazon, and content farms appropriating the names, styles, and content of well-known authors such as Jane Friedman.”

The statement continued, “This is grossly unfair to the writers who bring unique life experiences and talent to their work, and who cannot fairly compete against industrialized content farms.” Though authors are now required to disclose to Amazon if their work has AI-generated content, this information will not be released to the public.

On that topic, Amazon said in a statement, “At this time, we are not showing this information to customers, but may choose to do so in the future.” Whatever the case may be, AI continues to have a significant impact on multiple industries.

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