What is a Hash Table in Python with an Example?

Welcome to this comprehensive article on Hash Table in Python In this write-up, we will explore the concept of Hash Tables and how they are implemented in Python. We will also provide Hash Table in python example and explanations to help you understand the topic thoroughly. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonders of Hash Tables in Python!

What is a Hash Table?

A Hash Table, also known as a hash map, is a Data Structure that stores key-value pairs. It provides efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations. The keys are mapped to unique indices using a hash function in a Hash Table. These indices serve as the address of the corresponding values, allowing for fast access and search operations.

How Does a Hash Table Work?

  1. When a key-value pair is inserted into a Hash Table, the hash function calculates the key’s hash value.
  2. The hash value is then used to determine the index where the value should be stored in the underlying array.
  3. If multiple keys produce the same hash value (known as a collision), a technique called chaining is employed. Chaining involves creating a linked list at the index to handle multiple values.
  4. During retrieval, the hash function is used again to calculate the hash value of the key being searched for. The corresponding index is then accessed, and the value is retrieved.

Advantages of Using Hash Tables in Python:

Using Hash Tables in Python offers several advantages:

  1. Fast Access: Hash Tables provide constant-time access to values, making them ideal for scenarios that require quick retrieval of data.
  2. Efficient Insertion and Deletion: Hash Tables allow for efficient insertion and deletion operations, making them suitable for dynamic data structures.
  3. Flexible Key Types: Python Hash Tables can handle various key types, including strings, integers, and even custom objects.
  4. Automatic Resizing: Hash Tables in Python automatically resize themselves to accommodate more elements, ensuring efficient memory utilization.
  5. Versatile Data Structure: Hash Tables are widely used in various applications, such as caching, indexing, and implementing associative arrays.

Are There Any Limitations?

While Hash Tables offer significant advantages, they also have some limitations:

  1. Hash Collisions: In certain scenarios, different keys may produce the same hash value, resulting in collisions. Collisions can impact the performance of Hash Tables by increasing the time complexity of operations.
  2. Unordered Data: Hash Tables do not preserve the order of elements. If the order of the elements is essential, other data structures like lists or arrays may be more suitable.
  3. Memory Overhead: Hash Tables require additional memory to store the underlying array and handle collisions, which can lead to increased memory usage compared to other data structures.

Implementing Hash Tables in Python:

Python provides a built-in dictionary type that serves as a Hash Table implementation. The dictionary uses hash functions internally to map keys to indices and handles collisions using chaining.

Hash Table Program in Python: 

Let’s take a look at an example to understand how to work with Hash Tables in Python.

# Create an empty Hash Table hash_table = {} # Insert key-value pairs hash_table[‘apple’] = 5 hash_table[‘banana’] = 2 hash_table[‘orange’] = 8 # Access values print(hash_table[‘apple’]) # Output: 5 print(hash_table[‘orange’]) # Output: 8 # Modify values hash_table[‘apple’] = 10 print(hash_table[‘apple’]) # Output: 10 # Delete a key-value pair del hash_table[‘banana’] print(hash_table) # Output: {‘apple’: 10, ‘orange’: 8} 

In the above example, we create a Hash Table using the curly braces {}. We then insert key-value pairs using the key: value syntax. We can access values by providing the corresponding key, modify values using the same syntax, and delete key-value pairs using the del keyword. 

Example of Using a Hash Table in Python:

  • Create an empty Hash Table.
  • Insert key-value pairs into the Hash Table.
  • Access values by providing the corresponding keys.
  • Modify values by assigning a new value to the desired key.
  • Delete key-value pairs using the del keyword and the key.
  • Handle collisions by using chaining, which involves creating a linked list at the index to store multiple values with the same hash value.
  • Use the built-in dictionary type in Python to implement a Hash Table.
  • Ensure that keys are unique and hashable.
  • Utilize the hash function internally to map keys to indices.
  • Benefit from the efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations provided by Hash Tables.
  • Understand that Hash Tables do not preserve the order of elements.
  • Be aware of the memory overhead that Hash Tables may incur due to additional memory required for the underlying array and collision handling.
  • Consider the versatility of Hash Tables in various applications, such as caching, indexing, and implementing associative arrays.

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Hash Table Data Structure Python:

hash_table = HashTable(10)

hash_table.insert(‘apple’, 5)

hash_table.insert(‘banana’, 3)

hash_table.insert(‘orange’, 7)



# Output:

# Index 0: []

# Index 1: []

# Index 2: [[‘banana’, 3]]

# Index 3: []

# Index 4: [[‘apple’, 5]]

# Index 5: []

# Index 6: []

# Index 7: [[‘orange’, 7]]

# Index 8: []

# Index 9: []


print(hash_table.get(‘apple’))  # Output: 5

print(hash_table.get(‘banana’))  # Output: 3




# Output:

# Index 0: []

# Index 1: []

# Index 2: []

# Index 3: []

# Index 4: [[‘apple’, 5]]

# Index 5: []

# Index 6: []

# Index 7: [[‘orange’, 7]]

# Index 8: []

# Index 9: []

Hash Table Applications: 

1. Symbol tables 

Hash Tables are fundamental in compiler design and symbol tables. They can be used to store variable names, function names, and other symbols, allowing quick lookup during compilation or interpretation. 

2. Spell checkers and dictionaries

Hash Tables can be used to store a large number of words or terms efficiently. They allow fast lookup to check if a word is spelled correctly or to retrieve its definition from a dictionary.

3. Counting occurrences

Hash Tables can be used to count the frequency of elements in a collection efficiently. The elements can be mapped to their counts, and subsequent updates increment the count in constant time. 

4. Categorization and grouping

Hash Tables can be used to categorize or group items based on certain attributes. For example, they can be used to group emails by sender, categorize products by type, or group transactions by date. 

5. Graph algorithms

Hash Tables are often used in graph algorithms to store adjacency lists. Each node in the graph can be mapped to its list of adjacent nodes, allowing efficient traversal and manipulation of the graph structure. 

6. Memoization

Hash Tables can be used in dynamic programming and recursive algorithms for memoization. Intermediate results are stored in the Hash Table, enabling efficient lookup and avoiding redundant computations. 

7. Implementation of other data structures

Hash Tables serve as a building block for implementing other data structures like sets and associative arrays. They provide the underlying structure for fast membership tests and key-value mappings. 

8. Cryptographic applications

Hash Tables are employed in cryptographic algorithms like hash-based message authentication codes (HMAC) and digital signatures. Hash functions are used to ensure data integrity and verify message authenticity. 


Hash Tables are powerful data structures in Python that provide fast access, efficient insertion and deletion, and versatility in handling various key types. Understanding how Hash Tables work and their advantages can greatly enhance your programming skills. In this article, we explored the concept of Hash Tables and their implementation in Python and discussed their strengths and limitations. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into Hash Tables and their usage in Python.


A hash function is a mathematical function that takes an input (such as a key) and produces a hash code, which is typically an integer. The hash code should be uniformly distributed across the range of possible indices in the Hash Table to minimize collisions.

1. Fast lookup: Hash Tables provide constant-time average lookup complexity, allowing for quick retrieval of values based on their keys.

2. Efficient insertion and deletion: Hash Tables support efficient insertion and deletion of key-value pairs.

3.Flexible key types: Hash Tables can handle various types of keys, not just integers, as long as a suitable hash function is defined for the key type.

1. Hash collisions: Collisions occur when two keys produce the same hash code. Resolving collisions can introduce additional complexity and potentially impact performance.

2. Memory usage: Hash Tables can consume more memory compared to other data structures, especially if the load factor (ratio of items to slots) is high.

3. Unordered: The order of elements in a Hash Table is not deterministic or guaranteed, as it depends on the hash function and collision resolution strategy.

1. Chaining: Each index in the Hash Table is a linked list or an array, allowing multiple key-value pairs to be stored at the same index.

2.Open addressing: When a collision occurs, the Hash Table searches for the next available slot by applying a probing sequence (such as linear probing or quadratic probing) until an empty slot is found.

1. Insertion: O(1)
2. Deletion: O(1)
3. Lookup: O(1)

In most implementations, Hash Tables do not allow duplicate keys. If a duplicate key is inserted, the value associated with the key may be updated.

In Python, Hash Tables are implemented as dictionaries. The built-in dict type provides an efficient and flexible way to store key-value pairs using Hash Tables.

Yes, it is possible to define a custom hash function for objects in Python. Objects that are used as keys in a Hash Table need to implement the __hash__() method, which calculates the hash code for the object. The __eq__() method should also be defined to handle equality comparisons.

Hash Tables in Python provide fast access to values, efficient insertion and deletion operations, support for various key types, automatic resizing, and versatility as a data structure.

When a collision occurs, a Hash Table in Python uses chaining to handle multiple values that produce the same hash value. Chaining involves creating a linked list at the index to store and retrieve the values.

Yes, Python Hash Tables can handle custom objects as keys. However, for custom objects to be used as keys, they must implement the __hash__() and __eq__() methods to ensure proper hashing and equality comparisons.

No, Hash Tables do not preserve the order of elements. If the order is essential, alternative data structures like lists or arrays should be used.

When a new value is inserted with an existing key, the Hash Table in Python automatically replaces the existing value with the new one.

Hash Tables require additional memory to store the underlying array and handle collisions. Memory usage can increase with the number of elements and collisions in the Hash Table.