Ocean Predictoor is Live on Mainnet

Accountable accurate prediction feeds for finance, weather, and more. Powered by Ocean Protocol, Oasis Sapphire, and Celer cBridge

Ocean Protocol Team
Ocean Protocol



Today, our dream of 10,000 truly accurate prediction feeds from rain forecasts 🌧️ to financial predictions is getting one step closer to reality!

Ocean Predictoor is now live on Oasis Network’s Sapphire mainnet.

Predictoor has privacy needs. Predictoor use Oasis Sapphire as it is the world’s only privacy-preserving EVM chain in production.

Predictoor uses OCEAN on Sapphire. We use Celer Network’s cBridge to bridge OCEAN from Ethereum mainnet to Sapphire.

The rest of this article provides a brief introduction to Predictoor, and how to earn $ via trading (using predictions) or making predictions.

High-Level Introduction

Ocean Predictoor is a dapp and a stack for prediction feeds. It has accountability for accuracy, via staking. It’s globally distributed and censorship-resistant, by being on-chain.

The mainnet webapp is at https://predictoor.ai, and testnet https://test.predictoor.ai.

Webapp at https://predictoor.ai

Predictoor, AI, and Bots

Prediction feeds are crowd-sourced. While predictions and trades could be done manually, AI helps a lot: for accuracy, to remove emotion, and to overcome tediousness.

The Predictoor ecosystem has two main parties:

  • Predictoors running AI-powered predictoor bots (agents) that submit individual predictions and stake on them
  • Traders running AI-powered trader bots (agents) that consume aggregate predictions, and use that information to inform their trading
Predictoor ecosystem

Earn $ Trading With Predictoor

Defi is the first vertical of focus for Predictoor. Imagine if you could predict the future — perhaps you would make more profitable investment decisions! In fact, hedge funds have been doing this with AI since the early 2000’s.

Predictoor brings this to Defi, without you needing to be a hedge fund. With Predictoor, you simply buy prediction feeds, and use them as alpha to inform your trades. This helps to level the playing field on data and AI, for Defi trading.

Our internal experiments are showing 53–65% accuracy in predicting ↑ vs ↓ [1]. Here’s an example of simulated returns over a 24-day period in July 2023. A baseline strategy is “if it predicts ↑ then buy; if it predicts ↓ then sell or short”. This particular benchmark assumes 0% trading fees.

To start running a Predictoor-informed trading bot, go to pdr-backend repo [2].

Example of simulated returns over a 24-day period

Earn $ Predicting

You’re a “predictoor” if you’re contributing predictions to Predictoor contracts. Your main way to earn $ is by selling prediction feeds to traders. The better your AI model the higher your accuracy, the more $ you earn. Also, the higher your OCEAN staked, the more $ you earn.

Predictoor Data Farming starts Nov 9, 2023. It can be viewed as additional sales to prediction feeds, such that there’s baseline to sales. Weekly amount is about $10,000 USD (37,000 OCEAN) + a few $thousand worth of Oasis ROSE.

To start running an AI-powered prediction bot, go to pdr-backend repo [3].


Ocean Predictoor is a dapp and a stack for prediction feeds. Predictoors’ AI bots submit predictions on BTC, ETH, and more. Traders’ AI bots buy aggregate predictions.

Ocean Predictoor is now live on Oasis Sapphire mainnet. You can bridge OCEAN from Eth mainnet to Sapphire via Celer Network cBridge.



[1] This is a higher accuracy than we expected! It’s a sign that the crypto market is still not that efficient. Which means $ opportunity for those who can leverage that inefficiency. AI helps a lot. And Predictoor levels the playing field:)

[2] ⚠️ You will lose money trading if your $ out exceeds your $ in. Do account for trading fees, order book slippage, cost of prediction feeds, and more. Everything you do is your responsibility, at your discretion. None of this blog is financial advice.

[3] ⚠️ You will lose money as a predictoor if your $ out exceeds your $ in. If you have low accuracy you’ll have your stake slashed a lot. Do account for gas fees, compute costs, and more. Everything you do is your responsibility, at your discretion. None of this blog is financial advice.

About Predictoor & Ocean Protocol

In Ocean Predictoor, people run AI-powered prediction bots or trading bots on crypto price feeds to earn $. Follow Predictoor on Twitter, and get support in discord. Track progress on GitHub at pdr-backend and more. Predictoor runs on Oasis Sapphire confidential EVM chain.

Predictoor is powered by Ocean Protocol, which provides tools to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data. Follow Ocean on Twitter or Telegram.

