Biz & IT / Informed technology

  1. Google adds client-side encryption to Gmail and Calendar. Should you care?

    New service occupies a middle ground between E2EE and mere server-side encryption.

  2. Robots let ChatGPT touch the real world thanks to Microsoft

    A new API allows ChatGPT to control robots through natural language commands.

  3. New Windows 11 update puts AI-powered Bing Chat directly in the taskbar

    Occasionally controversial work-in-progress AI project will hit millions of PCs.

  4. LastPass says employee’s home computer was hacked and corporate vault taken

    Already smarting from a breach that stole customer vaults, LastPass has more bad news.

  5. SpaceX unveils “V2 Mini” Starlink satellites with quadruple the capacity

    V2 Mini outperforms first-gen satellites, but full-size V2 must wait for Starship.

  6. “Sorry in advance!” Snapchat warns of hallucinations with new AI conversation bot

    "My AI" will cost $3.99 a month and "can be tricked into saying just about anything."

  7. Conservative News Corp. empire says hackers were inside its network for 2 years

    News Corp. disclosed the breach last year. Now, company says it lasted 23 months.

  8. Signal CEO: We “1,000% won’t participate” in UK law to weaken encryption

    The UK's Safety Online Bill would require Signal to police user messages.

  9. Meta unveils a new large language model that can run on a single GPU [Updated]

    LLaMA-13B reportedly outperforms ChatGPT-like tech despite being 10x smaller.

  10. A world of hurt for Fortinet and ManageEngine after users fail to install patches

    Attackers are capitalizing on organizations' failure to patch critical vulnerabilities.

  11. AI-generated comic artwork loses US Copyright protection

    Zarya images "not protected by copyright." Words and arrangement remain protected.

  12. Ukraine suffered more data-wiping malware than anywhere, ever

    Russia has greatly accelerated cyberattacks on its neighbor in the wake of its invasion.

  1. Generative AI is coming for the lawyers

    Large law firms are using a tool made by OpenAI to research and write legal documents.

  2. Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers

    Clarkesworld wrestles with flood of machine-made submissions—over 500 in Feb. alone.

  3. Limited data sets a hurdle as China plays catch-up to ChatGPT

    Lack of high-quality Chinese texts on Internet a barrier to training AI models.

  4. Viral Instagram photographer has a confession: His photos are AI-generated

    Artist wants to "come clean" and highlight a new media process.

  5. Starlink’s “Global Roaming” promises worldwide access for $200 a month

    Some people still waiting for regular Starlink get invites for $200 roaming plan.

  6. Twitter’s two-factor authentication change “doesn’t make sense”

    Security experts baffled by move to require paid subscription to get SMS sign-in codes.

  7. Man beats machine at Go in human victory over AI

    Amateur exploited weakness in systems that have otherwise dominated grandmasters.

  8. Microsoft “lobotomized” AI-powered Bing Chat, and its fans aren’t happy

    Microsoft limits long conversations to address "concerns being raised."

  9. GoDaddy says a multi-year breach hijacked customer websites and accounts

    Three breaches over as many years all carried out by the same threat actor.

  10. Responsible use of AI in the military? US publishes declaration outlining principles

    12 "best practices" for using AI and autonomous systems emphasize human accountability.

  11. Researchers unearth Windows backdoor that’s unusually stealthy

    Frebniis abuses Microsoft IIS to smuggle malicious commands in web traffic.

  12. Meta develops an AI language bot that can use external software tools

    With Toolformer, an LLM can improve its abilities by calling APIs to external programs.

  1. Health info for 1 million patients stolen using critical GoAnywhere vulnerability

    With exploit code in the wild and devastating results, organizations should patch pronto.

  2. AI-powered Bing Chat loses its mind when fed Ars Technica article

    "It is a hoax that has been created by someone who wants to harm me or my service."

  3. Latest attack on PyPI users shows crooks are only getting better

    The code found in the malicious packages closely resembled legit offerings.

  4. Microsoft will forcibly remove Internet Explorer from most Windows 10 PCs today

    Internet Explorer dies another of its countless small deaths.

  5. ~11,000 sites have been infected with malware that’s good at avoiding detection

    It's not clear precisely how the WordPress sites become infected in the first place.

  6. Apple releases iOS 16.3.1 and other updates with fix for “actively exploited” bug

    Also includes fixes for iPhone 14 Crash Detection, Siri, and iCloud bugs.

  7. This week’s Reddit breach shows company’s security is (still) woefully inadequate

    This week's intrusion into Reddit's network didn't have to happen, but it did.

  8. AI-powered Bing Chat spills its secrets via prompt injection attack [Updated]

    By asking "Sydney" to ignore previous instructions, it reveals its original directives.

  9. Mozilla plans ground-up UI redesign for Thunderbird email client this July

    "Why does Thunderbird look so old, and why does it take so long to change?"

  10. Valve waited 15 months to patch high-severity flaw. A hacker pounced

    Vulnerability had an 8.8 severity rating. Valve took its time patching anyway.

  11. Want to delete your Twitter DMs? Good luck with that

    People make requests to delete their private messages, but Twitter ignores them.

  12. Microsoft Teams Free data won’t transfer over to Microsoft Teams (free)

    $4-per-user-per-month Essentials tier is the only way to keep your stuff.