Awarding Winners of the Dubai Real Estate Challenge

Ocean Protocol Team
Ocean Protocol
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2023


This data competition challenged data scientists, analysts and data engineers around the world to develop data analytics reports and machine learning models to assist in forecasting & evaluating the rental/selling price of real estate properties.

Data informed decision making is critical in the age of information. In purchasing homes, the accurate evaluation or prediction of the selling price of real estate is crucial for both buyers and sellers.

Winners are as follows:

1st Place — Luca Ordronneau:

  • Luca’s comprehensive study employed advanced data analytics and machine learning to understand and predict trends in the Dubai real estate market. Through a robust data preprocessing strategy, Luca transformed and enriched the available datasets for enhanced interpretability through machine learning algorithms. A LightGBM regression model and a SARIMAX model were effectively integrated, resulting in highly accurate predictions of rental prices and informed forecasts of future property prices.

2nd Place — Andrey Bessalov:

  • Andrey was able to structure his report using both quantative and qualitative feedback. Andrey visualized his data collection in charts, tables and diagrams. The takeaways on the Dubai Real Estate market were clearly explained, with data to support the thesis.

3rd Place — Marco Rodrigues:

  • Marco’s approach to forecasting included the support of logarithmic scaling, a regression model, and heat-maps to digest the intricate details that can move prices in real estate markets. Marco’s ability to quantify his reasonings with relevant and accurate data to show results awarded a place on the podium.

You can now access and purchase the top 10 reports on the Ocean Market:

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the participants for their hard work and dedication. This challenge wouldn’t have been possible without you. Stay tuned for our next exciting data challenge!

About Ocean Protocol

Ocean was founded to level the playing field for AI and data. Ocean tools enable people to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data.

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