Ocean Data Farming Main is Here

The final phase of DF is live. 150K weekly OCEAN rewards, which will grow to 1M+. Earn by locking OCEAN and by Curating Data

Trent McConaghy
Ocean Protocol


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. veOCEAN Review
4. Data Farming Review
5. Walk-Through Numbers
6. On Implementing DF Main
7. Conclusion
(Plus Appendices)

1. Abstract

Data Farming (DF) incentivizes for growth of Data Consume Volume (DCV) [0] in the Ocean ecosystem. Its final phase is DF Main. DF Main emits 503.4M OCEAN worth of rewards and lasts for decades.

DF Main starts Mar 16, 2023 in DF Round 29. DF29 has 150K OCEAN rewards available (a 2x increase from DF28). As DF Main progresses, rewards will increase to 300K (another 2x), then 600K (another 2x), then beyond 1.1M OCEAN/week (near 2x) then decaying over time.

As of DF29, wash consuming will no longer be profitable. So, organically-generated DCV will be the main driver of active DF rewards.

Typical APYs are 5–20%.

Full implementation of DF Main will be over many months, after which DF will be decentralized.

2. Introduction

This article is a self-contained description of Ocean Data Farming (DF), including all the details that matter. It is up-to-date with the latest reward function, weekly OCEAN allocation, and estimates of APYs given the current amount of OCEAN staked.

The rest of this article is organized as follows.

2.1 Overview of veOCEAN & Data Farming

Lock OCEAN → get veOCEAN → earn Data Farming rewards

veOCEAN. You can lock OCEAN to get veOCEAN. The amount of OCEAN you receive when the lock ends will always be equal to the amount you locked; plus there will be rewards in the meantime. To max out rewards, you must max out lock time (4 years) and amount of OCEAN locked.

Data Farming (DF) incentivizes for growth of Data Consume Volume (DCV) in the Ocean ecosystem. DF is like DeFi liquidity mining, but tuned for DCV. DF emits OCEAN for passive rewards and active rewards.

DF streams & sub-streams are as follows [updated for DF Main 2]:

  1. Passive DF. 150K OCEAN per week. Lock OCEAN for veOCEAN; rewards are pro-rata to veOCEAN holdings.
  2. Active DF. 150K OCEAN per week. It has these substreams:
    i. Volume DF: 112.5K OCEAN. Allocate veOCEAN towards data assets with high DCV, to earn more. Rewards are a function of DCV and veOCEAN stake.
    ii. Predictoor DF: 37.5K OCEAN. Predict future price movement, continuously (as a predictoor).

APYs. Typical APYs are 5–20%, but may be as high as 45% and as low as 1%. APYs will vary week to week. The value depends on total OCEAN staked, duration of OCEAN lock, DCV, and other factors. The “Example APYs” section has details.

2.2 DF Schedule & OCEAN Emissions

The DF schedule follows four phases:

  • DF Alpha — rounds 1–4 (4 wks). 10K OCEAN / wk
  • DF/VE Alpha — rounds 5–8 (4 wks). 10K OCEAN / wk
  • DF Beta — rounds 9–28 (20 wks)
    – DF Beta 1 — rounds 9–18 (10 wks). 50K OCEAN / wk
    – DF Beta 2 — rounds 19–28 (10 wks). 75K OCEAN / wk
  • DF Main — rounds 29+ (decades)
    – DF Main 1 — rounds 29–80 (52 wks). 150K OCEAN / wk, a 2x increase
    – DF Main 2 — rounds 81–106 (26 wks). 300K OCEAN / wk, a 2x increase
    – DF Main 3 — rounds 107–132 (26 wks). 600K OCEAN / wk, a 2x increase
    – DF Main 4 — rounds 133–1000+ (decades). >1.1M OCEAN / wk (2x increase) then decaying over time.

DF Main has 503.4M OCEAN allocated, of OCEAN’s 1.41B capped supply. The “OCEAN Emissions Schedule” section plots OCEAN / week versus time, and more details.

DF Main (and DF Main 1) started Mar 16, 2023. DF Main 2 started Mar 14, 2024.

3. veOCEAN Review

3.1 Webapp for veOCEAN

Use the veOCEAN page at the Data Farming webapp: df.oceandao.org/veocean. At it, you can lock OCEAN to get veOCEAN, see your veOCEAN balance, and more.

”veOCEAN” page at Data Farming webapp

You could follow the url directly, or go to the main Ocean site (oceanprotocol.com) and click the prominent “Earn Rewards” button in the “veOcean & Data Farming” panel.

Getting to Data Farming page from main Ocean site (oceanprotocol.com)

3.2 veOCEAN Mechanics

The core idea is: lock OCEAN for longer for higher rewards. A locker can be passive, though they earn more if active.

You receive proportionally more veOCEAN for longer lock times:

  • lock 1 OCEAN for 4 years (max) → get 1.0 veOCEAN
  • lock 1 OCEAN for 2 years → get 0.50 veOCEAN
  • lock 1 OCEAN for 1 year → get 0.25 veOCEAN
  • lock 1 OCEAN for 2 weeks → get 0.0096 veOCEAN = 2/ (4 * 52)
  • lock 1 OCEAN for 1 week → get 0.0048 veOCEAN = 1 / (4 * 52) [but you only get rewards if >1 week]

Critically, veOCEAN cannot be unlocked before the pre-set time. If you’ve locked some OCEAN for a year, you can’t unlock it during that time. The amount of OCEAN you’ll receive when the lock ends will always be equal to the amount you locked.

You can always extend your lock time or the lock amount. But, lock time can not decreased.

veOCEAN is non-transferable. You can’t send it to others.

veOCEAN held decays linearly over time. If you lock 1.0 OCEAN for four years, you get 1.0 veOCEAN at the start. After 1 year, you have 0.75 veOCEAN; after 2 years → 0.5 veOCEAN; after 3 years → 0.25 veOCEAN; after 4 years → 0.0 veOCEAN, and your OCEAN is unlocked [1].

To keep max out rewards, you must extend lock time periodically, via the veOCEAN page in the DF app (df.oceandao.org/veocean).

For more details on veOCEAN, see “Introducing veOCEAN.

4. Data Farming Review

4.1 Webapp for Data Farming

The Data Farming webapp is at df.oceandao.org. It allows you to perform all the core DF activities like locking OCEAN for veOCEAN, and allocating veOCEAN to data assets.

”Farms” page at Data Farming webapp

4.2 DF Overview

DF incentivizes for growth of data consume volume in the Ocean ecosystem. DF’s aim is to achieve a minimum supply of data for network effects to kick in, and once the network flywheel is spinning, to increase growth rate.

4.3 DF Rewards

The Reward Function (RF) governs how active rewards are allocated to stakers.

For Passive DF, OCEAN is distributed pro-rata to veOCEAN holders as a function of how much veOCEAN is held.

Active DF has two sub-streams: Volume DF, and Predictoor DF. Let’s zoom in on each.

For Volume DF, OCEAN is rewarded to veOCEAN holders who curate towards data assets with high consume volume. Rewards are calculated as with the following “Reward Function” (RF):

  • First, distribute OCEAN across each asset based on rank: highest-DCV asset gets most OCEAN, etc.
  • Then, for each asset and each veOCEAN holder:
    – If the holder is a publisher, 2x the effective stake
    – Baseline rewards = (% stake in asset) * (OCEAN for asset)
    – Bound rewards to the asset by 125% APY. (But note that actual APYs tend to be much lower anyway, eg 5%-20%, as the rest of this post discusses)
    – Bound rewards by asset’s DCV * (% stake in asset) * 0.1%. This prevents wash consume.

For Predictoor DF: there is a special bot that buys Predictoor data feeds regularly. Over the span of the week, it spends the weekly budget of OCEAN allocated to Predictoor DF. At the end of the week, there’s an additional airdrop in ROSE, according to the weekly ROSE budget, pro-rata to the sales of each feed.

4.4 *Future* Rewards

DF rewards have evolved over DF rounds, as chronicled in the Data Farming Series posts. This includes the Nov 9, 2023 addition of Predictoor DF.

We envision further evolution to drive DCV further. This includes tuning existing reward functions. It also includes adding new substreams; possibilities include:

  • Dapp Data Farming. If a dapp running Ocean uses x$ of gas, pay the dapp developer 25–100% * x (denominated in OCEAN). This could be an excellent way for dapp developers to monetize [2]
  • And more.

4.5 On Claiming DF Rewards

How to claim? Go to the DF Webapp at df.oceandao.org/activerewards, connect your wallet, and click as needed to claim rewards.

”Rewards” page at Data Farming webapp

Where to claim? All earnings for veOCEAN holders are claimable in Ethereum mainnet. This is the case even though data assets for DF may published in any network where Ocean’s deployed in production: Eth mainnet, Polygon, etc. All rewards come through Eth mainnet.

When to claim? There are fresh rewards available every Thursday. If you wish, you can wait for many weeks to accumulate before claiming. (It’s all on-chain.)

When to do a first claim? From the time you lock OCEAN, you must wait at least a week, and up to two weeks, to be able to claim rewards. The nerdy version: if you lock OCEAN on day x, you’ll be able to claim rewards on the first weekly ve “epoch” that begins after day x+7. This behavior is inherited from veCRV; here’s the code.

4.6 Data Assets that Qualify for Volume DF

Data assets that have veOCEAN allocated towards them get Volume DF rewards.

The data asset may be of any type — dataset (for static URIs) or algorithm for Compute-to-Data. The data asset may be fixed price or free price. If fixed price, any token of exchange is alright (OCEAN, H2O, USDC, ..).

To qualify for DF, a data asset must also:

4.6 Summary of How To Earn

There are three ways to earn and claim rewards: Passive DF, Volume DF, and Predictoor DF. The latter two are substreams of Active DF.

  • Passive DF. To earn: lock OCEAN for veOCEAN, via the DF webapp’s veOCEAN page. To claim: go to the DF Webapp’s Rewards page; within the “Passive Rewards” panel, click the “claim” button.
  • Volume DF. To earn: allocate veOCEAN towards data assets, via the DF webapp’s Volume DF page. To claim: go to the DF Webapp’s Rewards page; within the “Active Rewards” panel, click the “claim” button (it claims across all Active DF substreams at once).
  • Predictoor DF. To earn: become a predictoor by running a bot that makes regular predictions. Here’s how. To claim: predictoors get paid via sales of the prediction feeds to traders. Predictoor DF is treated as extra sales.

4.7 Active Work to Drive APY

Data Farming is not a wholly passive activity. The name of the game is to drive data consume volume (DCV). High APYs happen only when there is sufficiently high DCV. High DCV means publishing and consuming truly useful datasets (or algorithms).

Thus, if you really want to max out your APY:

  • For Volume DF:
    – create & publish datasets (and make $ in selling them) — or work with people who can
    – consume the datasets (to make $) — or work with people who can
    – go stake on them, and finally claim the rewards.
  • For Predictoor DF:
    – Run a predictoor bot. Max out your earnings by maximizing the accuracy of prediction, and staking more OCEAN on your predictions.

Driving DCV for publishing & consuming is your challenge. It will take real work. And then the reward is APY. It’s incentives all the way down:)

5. Walk-Through Numbers

This section walks through example numbers: OCEAN emissions schedule, and estimated APYs.

5.1 OCEAN Emissions Schedule

The baseline emissions schedule determines the weekly OCEAN budget for this phase. The schedule is like Bitcoin, including a half-life of 4 years. Unlike Bitcoin, there is a burn-in period to ratchet up value-at-risk versus time:

  • The curve initially gets a multiplier of 10% for 12 months (DF Main 1)
  • Then, it transitions to multiplier of 25% for 6 months (DF Main 2)
  • Then, a multiplier of 50% for 6 months (DF Main 3)
  • Finally, a multiplier of 100%. (DF Main 4)

We implement the first three phases as constants, because they are relatively short in duration. We implement the fourth phase as a Bitcoin-style exponential: constant, with the constant dividing by two (“halvening”) every four years.

Let’s visualize!

Emissions — first 5 years. The image below shows the first 5 years. The y-axis is OCEAN released each week. It’s log-scaled to easily see the differences. The x-axis is time, measured in weeks. In weeks 0–29, we can see the distinct phases for DF Alpha (DF1 // week 0), DF/VE Alpha (DF5 // week 4), DF Beta (DF9 // week 8), DF Main 1 (DF29 // week 28), DF Main 2 (DF81 // week 80), DF Main 3 (DF107 // week 106), and DF Main 4 (DF133 // week 132).

OCEAN released to DF per week — first 5 years

Emissions — First 20 years. The image below is like the previous one: OCEAN released per week, but now for the first 20 years. Week 131 onwards is DF Main 4. We can see that the y-value divides by two (“halvens”) every four years.

OCEAN released to DF per week — first 20 years

Compare halvening <> smooth exponential. The image below shows the blue curve identical to the previous image: OCEAN released per week for the first 20 years. As discussed, the first three DF main phases are constants, and the final DF main phase is exponential in Bitcoin-style “halvening” approach. For comparison, the black curve shows if all DF Main was implemented with four smooth exponentials (one per phase). Note how for DF Main (fourth phase), the black curve slices through the blue curve. Blue is far simpler to explain (e.g. constant phases), and lower risk to implement.

Blue: OCEAN released to DF per week — first 20 years. Black: compare to four smooth exponentials

Total OCEAN released. The image below shows the total OCEAN released by DF for the first 20 years. The y-axis is log-scaled to capture both the small initial rewards and exponentially larger values later on. The x-axis is also log-scaled so that we can more readily see how the curve converges over time.

Total OCEAN released to DF — first 20 years

5.2 Example APYs

The plot below shows estimated APY over time. Green includes both passive and active rewards; black is just passive rewards. As of DF29, wash consume is no longer profitable, so we should expect a large drop in DCV and therefore in active rewards. So passive rewards (black) provides a great baseline with upside in active rewards (green).

APYs are an estimate because APY depends on OCEAN locked. OCEAN locked for future weeks is not known precisely; it must be estimated. The yellow line is the model for OCEAN locked. We modeled OCEAN locked by observing linear growth from week 5 (when OCEAN locking was introduced) to week 28 (now): OCEAN locked grew from 7.89M OCEAN to 34.98M OCEAN respectively, or 1.177M more OCEAN locked per week.

Green: estimated APYs (passive + active). Black: estimated APYs (just passive). Yellow: estimated staking

The plots are calculated from this Google Sheet. Disclaimer: they assume 100% of Active DF budget goes to Volume DF; in practice some also goes to Predictoor DF.

OCEAN lock time affects APY. The numbers above assume that all locked OCEAN is locked for 4 years and there are frequent top-ups to keep 4 years locked, so that 1 OCEAN → 1 veOCEAN. But APY could be much worse or more if you lock for shorter durations, or don’t top-up. Here are approximate bounds.

  • If you lock for 4 years, and everyone else locks for 2, then multiply expected APY by 2. If you lock for 4 years and others for 1, then multiply by 4.
  • Conversely, if you lock for 2 years and everyone else for 4, then divide your expected APY by 2. If you lock for 1 year and others for 4, then divide by 4.
  • If you don’t top-up, then over 4 years your 1 veOCEAN will shrink towards zero. So top-up regularly to max out rewards.
  • The numbers assume that you’re actively allocating veOCEAN allocation towards high-DCV data assets. For passive locking or low-DCV data assets, divide APY by 2 (approximate).

6. On Implementing DF Main

Ratchet Principle. As DF main involves a huge amount of OCEAN, we take extra precautions and follow the principle “ratchet up value-at-risk over time”. What this means: rather than sending all this OCEAN directly to the vesting contracts, we “buy time” to more thoroughly verify the system

Changes for DF29: (a) increased OCEAN rewards to 150,000 (b) multiplier for DCV bounds auto-sets to 0.1%, which makes wash consume unprofitable. As usual, we deploy DF rewards with a combination of manual dispensing and Github Actions (Web2 automation).

Implementation over time. Then we can ratchet up value at risk as we deploy more components, and put OCEAN into them. Here’s the order of operations.

  • Deploy canary, wire it up. First we will deploy a “canary” vesting contract for DF Main 1. Wire it together with the rest of DF stack, including Gelato for Web3 automation. Send the contract a small amount (1000 OCEAN). It will dispense through components to DF passive & active rewards addresses. (Weekly payouts will draw from this plus the main DF payment multisig; the latter being far larger.)
  • Verification. This allows us to test the system live, in production yet with a small amount of funds at risk. At the same time, we will initiate a bug bounty program and security audit for all these components.
  • Weekly rewards keep rolling. OCEAN payouts for DF29, DF30, etc will be as scheduled for DF main. A tiny amount will come from the “canary” vesting contract, and the rest will be topped up manually by the Ocean core team.
  • Deploy the rest. Once the verification is complete, then we will deploy the remaining contracts and move the remaining OCEAN accordingly.

This Github issue has details of the plan.

Final outcome. In completing the implementation work above, OCEAN vesting will be fully automated and on-chain. Then we will tackle decentralizing DF-main reward calculations, leveraging advances in decentralized compute infrastructure. This will serve the Ocean ecosystem well in the decades that follow, with more transparency, stability, and composability.

7. Conclusion

Data Farming (DF) incentivizes for growth of Data Consume Volume (DCV) in the Ocean ecosystem. Its final phase is DF Main. DF Main emits 503.4M OCEAN worth of rewards and lasts for decades.

DF Main (and DF Main 1) started Mar 16, 2023 in DF Round 29. DF29 has 150K OCEAN/week rewards available (a 2x increase from DF28). DF Main 2 started Mar 14, 2024 in DF81; rewards increased to 300K OCEAN/week (another 2x). 6 months later will be DF Main 3 with 600K OCEAN/week (another 2x). 6 months after that will be DF Main 4 with 1.1M OCEAN/week (near 2x) then decaying over time.

As of DF29, wash consuming was longer profitable. So, organically-generated Data Consume Volume will be the main driver of active DF rewards.

Typical APYs are 5–20%.

Full implementation of DF Main will be over many months, after which DF will be decentralized. DF Main lasts for decades.

Final caveat: we reserve the right to make reasonable changes to these plans, if unforeseen circumstances emerge.

Appendix: Data Farming FAQ

Q: I staked for just one day. What rewards might I expect?

At least 50 snapshots are randomly taken throughout the week. If you’ve staked just one day, and all else being equal, you should expect 1/7 the rewards compared to the full 7 days.

Also: if you’ve locked OCEAN for just one day then you’ll get 4 x 365 = 1460 times less veOCEAN compared to locking for 4 years. That’s a minuscule amount of veOCEAN. Accordingly, expect tiny rewards.

Q: The datatoken price may change throughout the week. What price is taken in the DCV calculation?

The price is taken at the same time as each consume. E.g. if a data asset has three consumes, where price was 1 OCEAN when the first consume happened, and the price was 10 OCEAN when the other consumes happened, then the total DCV for the asset is 1 + 10 + 10 = 21.

Q: Can the reward function for Volume DF (& other streams) change during a given week?

No. At the beginning of a new DF round (DF1, DF2, etc), rules are laid out, either implicitly if no change from previous round, or explicitly in a blog post if there are new rules. This is: reward function, bounds, etc. Then teams stake, buy data, consume, etc. And LPs are given DF rewards based on staking, DCV, etc at the end of the week. Overall cycle time is one week.

Caveat: it’s no at least in theory! Sometimes there may be tweaks if there is community consensus, or a bug.

Appendix: DF Schedule as Table

The table below cross-references DF round number (DF i), start date, phase & week, sub-phase & week, and OCEAN rewards / week. [Ref GSheet].

Appendix: veOCEAN Revenue & Flow of Value

Community Fees to veOCEAN holders. Earlier, we established how veOCEAN holders earn passive and active rewards through Data Farming.

veOCEAN holders actually have a second source of revenue: community fees. Specifically: Every transaction in Ocean Market and Ocean backend generates transaction fees, some of which go to the community. 95% of the community fees will go to veOCEAN holders; the rest is used to buy back & burn OCEAN. All earnings here are passive.

Flow of Value. The image below illustrates the flow of value. On the left, at time 0, the user locks their OCEAN into the veOCEAN contract, and receives veOCEAN. In the middle, the veOCEAN holder receives OCEAN rewards every time there’s revenue to the Ocean Protocol Community (top), and also as part of DF rewards (bottom). On the right, when the lock expires (e.g. 4 years) then the user is able to move all their OCEAN around again.

Flow of value

Appendix: Volume DF Reward Function Details

Earlier, we described the Volume DF’s Reward Function (RF) in text. For thoroughness, here is the RF code. With the tunings, code is cleaner than math. It’s from calcrewards.py in the Ocean Protocol df-py repo.

def _calcRewardsUsd(
S: np.ndarray,
V_USD: np.ndarray,
C: np.ndarray,
DCV_multiplier: float,
OCEAN_avail: float,
do_pubrewards: bool,
do_rank: bool,
) -> np.ndarray:
S -- 2d array of [LP i, chain_nft j] -- stake for each {i,j}, in veOCEAN
V_USD -- 1d array of [chain_nft j] -- nftvol for each {j}, in USD
C -- 1d array of [chain_nft j] -- the LP i that created j. -1 if not LP
DCV_multiplier -- via calcDcvMultiplier(DF_week). Is an arg to help test.
OCEAN_avail -- amount of rewards available, in OCEAN
do_pubrewards -- 2x effective stake to publishers?
do_rank -- allocate OCEAN to assets by DCV rank, vs pro-rata
R -- 2d array of [LP i, chain_nft j] -- rewards denominated in OCEAN
N_i, N_j = S.shape

# corner case
if np.sum(V_USD) == 0.0:
return np.zeros((N_i, N_j), dtype=float)
# modify S's: owners get rewarded as if 2x stake on their asset
if do_pubrewards:
for j in range(N_j):
if C[j] != -1: # -1 = owner didn't stake
S[C[j], j] *= 2.0
# perc_per_j
if do_rank:
perc_per_j = _rankBasedAllocate(V_USD)
perc_per_j = V_USD / np.sum(V_USD)
# compute rewards
R = np.zeros((N_i, N_j), dtype=float)
for j in range(N_j):
stake_j = sum(S[:, j])
DCV_j = V_USD[j]
if stake_j == 0.0 or DCV_j == 0.0:
for i in range(N_i):
perc_at_j = perc_per_j[j]
stake_ij = S[i, j]
perc_at_ij = stake_ij / stake_j
# main formula!
R[i, j] = min(
perc_at_j * perc_at_ij * OCEAN_avail,
stake_ij * TARGET_WPY, # bound rewards by max APY
DCV_j * DCV_multiplier, # bound rewards by DCV
return R

[Update Mar 21, 2023] Caveat: if the Ocean core team observes a party doing wash consume in a DF round (by e.g. exploiting a bug), the party doing wash consume will not get any payouts for that round. This caveat will be removed when DF Main becomes fully decentralized, if not sooner.

Appendix: Contract Deployments

The veOCEAN & DF contracts are deployed to Ethereum mainnet, alongside other Ocean contract deployments. Full list.

“veOCEAN”: “0xE86Bf3B0D3a20444DE7c78932ACe6e5EfFE92379”,
“veAllocate”: “0x55567E038b0a50283084ae773FA433a5029822d3”,
“veDelegation”: “0xc768eDF2d21fe00ef5804A7Caa775E877e65A70E”,
“veFeeDistributor”: “0x256c54219816603BB8327F9019533B020a76e936”,
“veDelegationProxy”: “0x45E3BEc7D139Cd8Ed7FeB161F3B094688ddB0c20”,
“veFeeEstimate”: “0xe97a787420eD263583689Bd35B7Db1952A94710d”,
“SmartWalletChecker”: “0xd7ddf62257A41cc6cdAd7A3d36e4f1d925fD142a”,
“DFRewards”: “0xFe27534EA0c016634b2DaA97Ae3eF43fEe71EEB0”,
“DFStrategyV1”: “0x545138e8D76C304C916B1261B3f6c446fe4f63e3”,

veFeeDistributor has a start_time of 1663804800 (Thu Sep 22 2022 00:00:00)

Appendix: Evolution of Active DF Rewards Over Time

Active DF rewards allocation to each substream has shifted over time. Here’s the shifts.

  • DF29: DF Main starts. Weekly rewards: 75K OCEAN for Volume DF.
  • DF48: Challenge DF starts. Weekly rewards: 70K / 5K OCEAN for Volume / Challenge DF respectively.
  • DF62: Predictoor DF starts. Weekly rewards: 37K / 1K / 37K OCEAN for Volume / Challenge / Predictoor DF respectively. Additionally, there’s ROSE rewards thanks to a generous contribution from the Oasis Protocol Foundation: for the first 8 weeks (DF63, .., DF70) (Nov-Dec 2023) there is 100K ROSE / week; for all of 2024 there is 20K ROSE / week.
  • DF67: Challenge DF is done. Weekly rewards: 37.5K / 37.5K OCEAN for Volume / Predictoor DF respectively.

The Ocean Data Farming Series post has specific dates, and articles with details of each shift.

Data Farming docs have the current numbers.


[0] Data Consume Volume (DCV) is the USD$-denominated amount spent to purchase data assets and consume them, for a given time period (e.g. one week)

[1] veOCEAN held decays linearly over time. You can calculate the balance as follows: veOcean_balance = OCEAN_amount_locked * (your_unlock_timestamp — current_unix_timestamp ) / 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52 (that is 4 years)

[2] It’s a bit like how NEAR and Canto L1s pay a % of tx fees to dapp developers.


[Jul 27, 2023] Today we announced Challenge DF, a new substream of Active DF. This post’s content has been updated accordingly.

[Oct 5, 2023] On Sep 12, 2023 we announced Predictoor [blog][tweetstorm]. That announcement included the updates to DF for Predictoor DF, which start Nov 9, 2023. Today (Oct 5, 2023) we updated this post to reflect the changes.

[Nov 1, 2023] Added more information about ROSE incentives in Predictoor DF, scheduled Challenge DF wind-down, and corresponding changes in Active DF Rewards allocation.

[Dec 19, 2023] To streamline readability, move some content into “Appendix: Evolution of Active DF Rewards Over Time”. Removed “Challenge DF” content.

[Jan 16, 2024] Updated Predictoor DF rewards schedule to include 2024 ROSE rewards.

[Mar 12, 2024] Updated reward numbers to be in line with DF Main 2: 300K OCEAN/week, etc.

Follow Ocean Protocol on Twitter, Telegram, or GitHub. And chat directly with the Ocean community on Discord.

