The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics


The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, edited by Nicholas J. Higham, with associate editors Mark R. Dennis, Paul Glendinning, Paul A. Martin, Fadil Santosa, and Jared Tanner, Princeton University Press, 2015. xvii + 994 + 16 color plates, hardcover.

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Front Matter, Bibliography, Errata

Sample Articles

Word Cloud



Other Information

The article VIII.3 “How to Write a General Interest Mathematics” by Ian Stewart and the four articles grouped under VIII.7 Teaching Applied Mathematics (Gilbert Strang: “What to Teach and How”?, Peter R. Turner: “Computation, Modeling, and Projects”, David Acheson: “What’s the Big Picture?”, and IV. Rachel Levy: “Industrial Mathematics Inspires Mathematical Modeling Tasks”) were selected for reprinting in The Best Writing on Mathematics 2016.


Overview by the editor